Saturday, March 29, 2014

Contrived Racism and it's Perpetuation -Part 2

Has not America been the best nation on earth for blacks and other people of color? Was it white America who sold half-million black Africans to slave traders who then brought them to America's shores? Was it not in America that the blacks were introduced to Christianity and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity they have ever known? Was not the white American most responsible for this new found prosperity?

No where in the world has a nation's white populous done more to lift up blacks than Anglo America. Has America not spent multiple trillions and is still allocating a large percentage of its annual budget on entitlements, mostly for black America? Have you ever wondered what part of the population is being taxed the most to pay for entitlements? Does not middle class America financially shoulder the majority of the burden for welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8, Medicaid, and poverty programs designed to bring black Americans into mainstream America? Has not Government, business and academia not engaged in discriminatory actions against whites with affirmative action, minority mandated contract and quotas? All this to advance blacks over whites.

The liberal left’s mindset is racially exploitive, its politics trumps everything. Party affiliation and ideological leanings identifies conservative Americans as racists. The right has shouldered what I label "illusionary grievances." These grievances are in fact baseless.  The right is castigated for racial wrongs committed decades ago and are still blamed for the plight of most blacks in poverty. Was it the political conservative that implemented programs that resulted not in the progress of the black American family but its deterioration? The answer to the question is forthcoming in the next blog.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Contrived Racism and it's Perpetuation-Part One

This piece, of a three part series is written for my friends, both black and white and those of liberal persuasion who are designated middle class. I will address an issue that should be a concern to all middle class America. The issue deals with racism as perpetrated by the progressive left to enslave the soul of African-Americans and eliminate the middle class through what I deem intentional and unfair government endorsed legislation.  The subject of my next several blogs will be contentious to some, thought provoking to others and hopefully result in revelation of the truth to most. I encourage the readers to re-post and share your views with this writer. I write this series not as a bigot. Neither  am I blind to the fact that the government, through the welfare state is the primary reason relations between the races are worsening and class warfare is now primed to reduce the middle class to an insignificant entity.

Given all the data, one cannot help but see racism as a perception of reality that is at this point in time of history skewed.  Unfortunately, many black's perception of racism is based on a false narrative. Even though this writer is white, I lived in a time when there was real institutional racism in America. That racism is no more. Evidence suggests that racism is aggravated by the progressive left and its lapdog media that has been pumping out, namely that a black American can never receive justice. The thought of a black individual never receiving justice is absurd.

If racism is defined as a way of behaving or thinking that shows you do not like or respect people who are different than the race or class from which you identify with, then in fact, we as a people need to have a conversation. Since conversations are between people who exist in a place, situation or point in time, let us have an open dialog about race in America. Not race in America yesterday, but race in America today. The conversation needs to be two-way. Not the Obama or Holder way. White Middle Class America needs to be heard. The too often silent and for the most part white middle class needs to have its grievances, concerns and petitions heard.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Relativity to Reality

Why not challenge the Left's ideology and its relativity to reality? Can we expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong? If we chasten achievement  and affluence will we not get less of it? If we continue to underwrite bad decision making by giving taxpayer money to the impoverished will we not undermine initiative and personal responsibility and fashion new generations of poor people?

To bring positive change to America we must cease debating feelings and ideology with the left. Here is a novel idea; why not hold the leftist elite accountable? Are the progressive left's policies producing the results they claim? Is the record debt obligation good for America and her citizens (both present and future)? Are government agencies performing as their commission demands and should their budgets be reduced or the entity eliminated if it cannot show positive results? Why should government agencies and programs not be required to substantiate, not only its budget but its existence?

Do we as Americans not prefer savings to waste at reasonable cost? Is it too much to require the progressive left to prove that their programs and policies are producing outcomes beneficial to the nation's well being? I believe this tactic would shift the debate from one of ideology and good intentions to reality.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Strategy of Demonizing Success.

"Anytime the majority starts to demonize a minority, no matter what it is, it's wrong. And dangerous And no good ever comes from it."--Tom Perkins

Is the promotion of jealousy, fear and hate an effective strategy for leftist politicians and their followers to manipulate and micromanage the most productive capitalists and business entities? Is this what America's progressive liberals have in common with Stalin, Hitler, Mao and the likes? Were the historical figures just mentioned not tyrants? Is part of the progressive agenda to create loathing and resentment towards those who are successful entrepreneurs, CEO's and the wealthy in general? These questions are important in as much as we need to understand what drives the progressive-socialist train. Even more important is the final destination of the train.

The strategy of  tyrants has always been to demonize those persons or entities whose power they desire to appropriate. That's the typical way tyrants gain power. They give the masses someone or something to hate. In the last century communists gained power by promoting public hatred of capitalists. Hitler gained power by fostering hatred of Jews and Bolsheviks.

We must ask ourselves if Obama and the progressive left are bemoaning income inequality. What thoughts have you on Obama and his progressive war on the American one percent? After the one percent who is next?  I believe it is absurd to demonize those who are successful and for doing what the rich do, which is get rich by creating opportunity for others. You get my point? Let us hope Obama and his followers train derails prior to reaching the his destination-destination ruin.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Ukraine and America's Struggle

If you've been watching the news recently you may have heard about the unrest in the Ukraine. A struggle between the socialist dictatorship propped up by Putin's Russia and those pushing for freedom.

As it is with Ukrainians, so it is with Americans. Both nation's desire freedom from tyranny. The alternative to peace is war. With war comes blood, sweat and many tears. In Ukraine we have a fledgling Republic that is threatened from without. In America we have a Republic that is threatened from within. Both countries face a tide of tyranny.

The Ukrainian's, if they are to have liberty, may be forced to fight a far superior foe. If history is a reminder to the people of the Ukraine some solace may be taken by looking back America's Revolutionary War. The odds of the American Colonies defeating Great Britain were overwhelmingly long. Through prayer, extraordinary leadership, fervor and commitment, America was able to defeat the World's greatest Empire of the time. The Ukrainian's can do the same. And I pray they will.

War is hell, and though Americans seem to know that on some level, they tend to forget that the battle for the Republic will be unpleasant, distressing, volatile, enervating, offensive, challenging, derisive and that we could lose. You ask how can we possibly lose? Think about the left-wing obsession with non-evil. It exemplifies the left's moral universe. That universe is preoccupied with lesser evils while always ignoring the great evils until those evil's materialize. You ask, what evil is materializing which poses a threat to America? Obama and his administration is slowly -piece by piece- erecting a socialist type dictatorship. We are not there - yet. But he is putting America on that dangerous path. He is undermining our constitutional system of checks and balances; subverting democratic procedures and the rule of law. He is assaulting the very pillars of capitalism. Mr Obama is bent on imposing a revolution from above - one that is polarizing America along racial, political, economic and ideological lines. Like our Ukrainian brothers, we must fight tyranny. We choose to do this politically. They were given little choice but to fight tyranny with the sword. God bless them.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Undermining of the Food Stamp Program

Who was America founded by and what has that got to do with Food Stamps? America was founded by determined pioneers who surmounted wilderness obstacles and faced bitterest of environments, all to insure the survival of themselves and their families. Those early settlers have been replaced by generation after generation of individuals armed with nothing more than personal responsibility, resourcefulness, and resolve, which created the greatest country on earth. And what do we have to show for it now? We have the majority of fifty million EBT/SNAP recipients waiting to hear the dinner bell ring.

A few of my readers may think I am speaking ill of those unfortunate recipients who need government assistance to subsist. This is not my intent. Some sort of safety net should exist to briefly help those citizens, who through no fault of their own come upon hard times. A safety net is needed for our fellow citizens who are physically or mentally unable to subsist on their own. The current EBT/SNAP program is nothing more than a life-net that encourages indifference and is ripe with fraud.

Categorical entitlement effectively wiped out the program's old asset test, meaning you can have tens of thousands of dollars in assets and still qualify. Obama's stimulus removed the work requirement. With the requisite removed, many able bodied people signed up for food stamps. EBT cards removed the stigma. Eligibility for the program has been loosened, individuals have been encourage to apply through public service announcements and waivers are routinely granted in most states to enable individuals to remain wards of the state indeterminately. The program's true purpose is to feed those who cannot earnestly feed themselves. What ever happened to personal responsibility, resourcefulness and resolve?

In a statement released by someone representing The Food Stamp Program, administered by the Department of Agriculture, stated that it is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever, to forty-seven and a half million people (April 2013). Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the United States Department of Interior, asks us "Please do not feed the animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."  Do you not see the irony?