Friday, March 14, 2014

Relativity to Reality

Why not challenge the Left's ideology and its relativity to reality? Can we expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong? If we chasten achievement  and affluence will we not get less of it? If we continue to underwrite bad decision making by giving taxpayer money to the impoverished will we not undermine initiative and personal responsibility and fashion new generations of poor people?

To bring positive change to America we must cease debating feelings and ideology with the left. Here is a novel idea; why not hold the leftist elite accountable? Are the progressive left's policies producing the results they claim? Is the record debt obligation good for America and her citizens (both present and future)? Are government agencies performing as their commission demands and should their budgets be reduced or the entity eliminated if it cannot show positive results? Why should government agencies and programs not be required to substantiate, not only its budget but its existence?

Do we as Americans not prefer savings to waste at reasonable cost? Is it too much to require the progressive left to prove that their programs and policies are producing outcomes beneficial to the nation's well being? I believe this tactic would shift the debate from one of ideology and good intentions to reality.

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