Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Undermining of the Food Stamp Program

Who was America founded by and what has that got to do with Food Stamps? America was founded by determined pioneers who surmounted wilderness obstacles and faced bitterest of environments, all to insure the survival of themselves and their families. Those early settlers have been replaced by generation after generation of individuals armed with nothing more than personal responsibility, resourcefulness, and resolve, which created the greatest country on earth. And what do we have to show for it now? We have the majority of fifty million EBT/SNAP recipients waiting to hear the dinner bell ring.

A few of my readers may think I am speaking ill of those unfortunate recipients who need government assistance to subsist. This is not my intent. Some sort of safety net should exist to briefly help those citizens, who through no fault of their own come upon hard times. A safety net is needed for our fellow citizens who are physically or mentally unable to subsist on their own. The current EBT/SNAP program is nothing more than a life-net that encourages indifference and is ripe with fraud.

Categorical entitlement effectively wiped out the program's old asset test, meaning you can have tens of thousands of dollars in assets and still qualify. Obama's stimulus removed the work requirement. With the requisite removed, many able bodied people signed up for food stamps. EBT cards removed the stigma. Eligibility for the program has been loosened, individuals have been encourage to apply through public service announcements and waivers are routinely granted in most states to enable individuals to remain wards of the state indeterminately. The program's true purpose is to feed those who cannot earnestly feed themselves. What ever happened to personal responsibility, resourcefulness and resolve?

In a statement released by someone representing The Food Stamp Program, administered by the Department of Agriculture, stated that it is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever, to forty-seven and a half million people (April 2013). Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the United States Department of Interior, asks us "Please do not feed the animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."  Do you not see the irony?

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