Monday, March 3, 2014

Ukraine and America's Struggle

If you've been watching the news recently you may have heard about the unrest in the Ukraine. A struggle between the socialist dictatorship propped up by Putin's Russia and those pushing for freedom.

As it is with Ukrainians, so it is with Americans. Both nation's desire freedom from tyranny. The alternative to peace is war. With war comes blood, sweat and many tears. In Ukraine we have a fledgling Republic that is threatened from without. In America we have a Republic that is threatened from within. Both countries face a tide of tyranny.

The Ukrainian's, if they are to have liberty, may be forced to fight a far superior foe. If history is a reminder to the people of the Ukraine some solace may be taken by looking back America's Revolutionary War. The odds of the American Colonies defeating Great Britain were overwhelmingly long. Through prayer, extraordinary leadership, fervor and commitment, America was able to defeat the World's greatest Empire of the time. The Ukrainian's can do the same. And I pray they will.

War is hell, and though Americans seem to know that on some level, they tend to forget that the battle for the Republic will be unpleasant, distressing, volatile, enervating, offensive, challenging, derisive and that we could lose. You ask how can we possibly lose? Think about the left-wing obsession with non-evil. It exemplifies the left's moral universe. That universe is preoccupied with lesser evils while always ignoring the great evils until those evil's materialize. You ask, what evil is materializing which poses a threat to America? Obama and his administration is slowly -piece by piece- erecting a socialist type dictatorship. We are not there - yet. But he is putting America on that dangerous path. He is undermining our constitutional system of checks and balances; subverting democratic procedures and the rule of law. He is assaulting the very pillars of capitalism. Mr Obama is bent on imposing a revolution from above - one that is polarizing America along racial, political, economic and ideological lines. Like our Ukrainian brothers, we must fight tyranny. We choose to do this politically. They were given little choice but to fight tyranny with the sword. God bless them.

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