Saturday, June 14, 2014

Disloyalty a Concept Misunderstood

The president, Chuck Hagel and Susan Rice seem to think that the crime of desertion in wartime is kind of like cutting a corner to avoid an intersection. They have no idea of how great a transgression desertion or treason is in the face of the enemy. Especially so for those in our military who are currently serving and those veterans who have served. Have you noticed how the Administration's talking heads and their followers have become instant experts on military justice. Of earnest appearance and unthinking supposition, one talking head after another announced that “we always try to rescue our troops, even deserters.” History paints a different picture. The consequences of desertion or treason is hard time and in extreme cases execution. As it was in the past, so should it be in the present.

The concept of disloyalty is obviously not understood in Washington. As I see it, treason is a larger perception than attempting to change the government by force. Treason also applies to actions taken to undermine the institutions and ideals that built and sustain a nation in the world. Does not the current administration realize that civilized nations only exist when they draw life and cultivate that life from the institutional pillars upon which it rests? These institutions are the framework of life that unites together the people of a nation.  America for all intents and purpose appears to have abandoned the institutions that gave it birth and from which it drew life.

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