Saturday, June 21, 2014

Why Change Now

You have got to be kidding me. Has the Federal Government really invalidated several patented Washington Redskin trademarks? It appears they have. And why is the government getting involved in such trivial matters as trademarks for a professional ball team? A better question is, why not? Because they feel they must, fore the spirit of the past cries out in anguish. Most people with half a brain, if they were honest with themselves would concede that they do not find the word redskins offensive and a candid person would concede that at its creation the trademarks for the Washington Redskins was not considered offensive. But these are different times. The United States now has a president of color. The nation, as older generations pass and newer generations take power, is moving beyond race as an issue. Professional victims must now work even harder to find racist things to get worked up about. The professional and may I add, progressive left victims teach and orate a shallow diversity that is color skewed and intellectually harmonized. This is most easily seen on college campuses that have appropriate and acceptable ratios of gay, black, Hispanic, Asian, female and transgendered tenured professors who all view the world through the same lens with the same politics. If the facts do not suit their demands, they conjure convenient new facts that may fly in the face of reality, but anyone who points that out is labeled an extremist, dogmatist or conservative. Well, I suppose that makes me a conservative dogmatist with extreme views as they relate to progressive thought and action.

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