Sunday, August 17, 2014

Becoming Relevant

It has become obvious that the Christian church can no longer afford to sit silently on the sidelines while agendas in Washington erode the foundation of freedoms Americans and other like-minded people enjoy. 
It has been said by some that only about 60 percent of evangelicals are registered to vote, and not all of them actually do vote. I presume the same is true of the Catholic denomination. So, it's imperative that the church body as a whole wake up, become active, make their voices heard and vote their values. If not, we the church are in peril of becoming irrelevant. Christians of all denominations make up a substantial chunk of voters. We must use our size in numbers, become politically active and voice our concerns about the direction our government is taking. If we do that, then and only then, will we affect positive change that can make a difference and change our culture for the better.
Some pundits will say that religion and politics should never be mixed. To counter that argument I ask you; how would Jesus have acted in the political arena? I believe He would have held those in leadership position’s feet to the fire. He would have held them accountable. He would have encouraged them to do the right thing. That's what we must do if we expect to have a nation left for future generations. Christians worldwide were created to be world-changers, but to be a world-changer we cannot remain silent. We can do this together by communicating the truth in whatever mode you choose. As for me, I begin with the written word.

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