Every day I read or hear of something that simply blows my mind. Today I
read where some American elitists and academia’s elite actually condemn the use
of the word “evil” when referring to ISIS. Why do they object? They claim that
ISIS is actually “administering social services.” Behold the clarity of thought
that comes with jettisoning moralistic language! Never mind that the Islamic
State says it seeks a global caliphate with its flag over the White House. Who
cares that it is administering social services? Hitler, Stalin and Mao did,
too. That's what revolutionary groups do when they grab enough territory. There's
a more fundamental question: Is it true? Is the Islamic State evil? As a matter
of objective moral fact, the answer seems obvious. But also under any more
subjective version of multiculturalism, pluralism or moral relativism shy of
nihilism, "evil" seems a pretty accurate description for an
organization that is not only intolerant toward gays, Christians, atheists,
moderate Muslims, Jews, women, et al. but also stones, beheads and enslaves
them. In my opinion ISIS’s actions personify evil both subjectively and
objectively. To think otherwise is an indication of one’s moral corruption and lack
of brain cells.
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