Sunday, August 31, 2014

Our Founding Fathers

What is the most unappreciated thing about our Founding Fathers? I, like some other's, believe it was the Founding Fathers depth of thought and reliance on historical knowledge that served as their standard. Few today, chiefly progressives, have read or studied or even scanned the Federalist Papers. Had they done so, as I have, they would better value the extraordinary extent of thought and scope of experience that the Founders put into our system of government. They did not rely on contemporary populism to shape an imaginary nation in which there was no misery, grief, anguish and life was easy.   They relied on the accumulated knowledge of many centuries of human history by which mankind could best deal with rather than eliminate the imperfections of the human race and the realities of the human condition. By comparison, today's liberal elite arrogantly presume that from their few short years of life experience and their pubescent intellectual conceit they know better how people should act than all the generations that preceded them. The liberal mindset is, basically, how much better life would be if only people did not act the way they do and, instead acted the way liberal elites believe they should. And they are willing to dictate that behavior through the agency of an all powerful federal or central government, and to sacrifice liberty toward that end. They seek freedom in the name of liberty from the very responsibility the acceptance of which defines liberty.

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