Saturday, December 27, 2014

Authoritative Principle for Governing Applies to All

Laws or rules in a free society should have similar characteristics; there should be "rule of law." Rule of law means that laws are certain and known in advance. Laws envision no particular outcome except that of allowing people to peaceably pursue their own objectives. Finally, and most importantly, laws are equally applied to everyone, including government officials.

Let's look at our country and ask whether we live under rule of law. Just about every law that Congress enacts violates the requirements for rule of law. How do we determine violations of rule of law? It's easy. See whether the law applies to particular Americans, as opposed to all Americans. See whether the law exempts public officials from its application. See whether the law is known in advance. See whether the law takes action against a person who has taken no aggressive action against another. If one conducts such a test, he will conclude that it is virtually impossible to find a single act of Congress that adheres to the principles of the rule of law. The supreme tragedy is Americans do not want rule of law. Or would they, if enlightened and afforded the opportunity? 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

All Because of One Special Child

Lest we forget, there was a time in America when people and even presidents were unafraid to stand for traditional values and encourage others to do the same. At this special time of the year, let us all renew our sense of wonder in recalling the story of the first Christmas in Bethlehem. Some celebrate Christmas as the birthday of a great and superior philosopher and teacher. Others of us believe in the divinity of the child born in Bethlehem.  We believe that he was and is the promised Prince of Peace. Like the shepherds and wise men of the Christmas story, we Americans, have always tried to follow a greater light, a star, if you will. Be it at lonely campfires along “No Man’s Land” on the Western Front, or in the darkest of days of the Great Depression, through war and peace, the twin beacons of faith and freedom have brightened the American sky. At times, our footsteps may have faltered, but trusting God’s help, we have up to this point, never lost our way. Regardless of what moral relativists, current political leaders and Liberal Court Justices may say or decree, let this holiday season be for us a time of reaffirmation and re-dedication.  This Christmas day, in millions of homes, let the glow of the Christmas tree or candle serve as a reflection of the love of Jesus. Let us keep in mind that if it were not for one special child there would be no Christmas nor life eternal.  

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas and an Empty Headed Ideology

The Liberal Left are resourceful little creatures that possess what appears to be diminutive minds and their culture war is unending. For most of the past two decades, they have continued their assault on Christmas. They maintain the use of the word is offensive to non-Christians, and therefore politically incorrect. Really, "Christmas" politically incorrect. The Christmas tree has been replaced by the Holiday Tree. Happy Holidays has replaced Merry Christmas. All this in the name of political correctness.

Those behind the war on Christmas are multicultural equivocators who consider themselves the acculturated gatekeepers of the common good. And may I add, dreadful people without even a hint of the spirit of the true reason for the season. Again, rather than leaving a nation whose traditions so clearly annoy them and perhaps moving to another that does not celebrate Christmas, they remain and have the audacity to try and change their country, in this case America. One could suggest those opposed to Christmas move to Afghanistan, North Korea or possibly Iran where their views on feminism, gays, education and the likes would be most welcome.

Political correctness is an empty-headed ideology that everyone should refuse to support. It seeks to undermine and limit freedom. Those that use it as their “big stick” seek to fundamentally transform the culture, behavior and actions of a nation. As for me, I am old school; a traditional fundamentalist not a revisionist, a Christian, and a patriotic veteran, and I dislike those who espouse multicultural relativism. Did I say I love Christmas? If not, I do.

During the Christmas season, I will always wish those I come into contact with a “Merry Christmas," notwithstanding, that said greeting might just fracture the glass psyche of a moral relativist’s. That is a cross, I am willing to bear. To the readers of my blog: I wish you a merry Christmas, and a politically incorrect Happy New Year. Finally, stand-up, stand tall, stay the course and be proud when confronting the political correct liberal left. Remember, we are in the right.  Dare I say, “Merry Christmas” one more time? 

Monday, December 22, 2014

My Holiday Wishes for Obama

Every now and then I read something that I find both satirical and true or theologically enlightening. I will share a piece written by Wayne Allyn Root in its entirety. Hope you find the humor in it as I did.
When reading this piece remember it's just past Thanksgiving and Christmas is upon us, so cheer up and smile.

"Many of us are already shopping for holiday gifts. So that inspired me to think up a holiday gift list that I hope and pray Obama receives for Christmas! Here are 15 perfect holiday gifts for Obama.
*Obama's Secret Service disarmed- since he doesn't think rest of us need guns for protection.
*Remove the fence around the White House- since Obama doesn't think we need a fence at our Southern border.
*A Christmas dinner at White House prepared and served by illegal immigrants who just arrived from the Ebola Zone- since he thinks rest of us shouldn't worry about Ebola (or illegal immigration).
*And of course, that White House Christmas dinner prepared with careful adherence to the standards of Michelle's "nutritious" public school lunch program. That should beyummy!
*Health insurance cancellation for Obama family- just like the rest of us. After all Michelle's policy doesn't provide coverage for pregnancy, Viagra or mental health issues. It's gotta go.
*The end of all criminal background checks for anyone hired at White House. Why not let Obama enjoy the same policy his EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) tried to enforce on every business in America.
*May Sasha & Malia enjoy their 2015 school year at a fine inner city public school. After all, Obama believes those teachers unions really "care about the kids."
*Since Obama is such a believer in climate change, may he spend the last 2 years of the Presidency riding around in a Prius, instead of his heavy, gas-guzzling bullet-proof limousines. And of course Air Force One has to go too. From now on, Obama flies coach...on American (the perfect airline for a guy who wants to fundamentally change America).
*If Obama comes under withering fire from terrorists, may he call his favorite General and find him asleep with orders that he not be disturbed for the night. A little taste of the last moments of our heroes at Benghazi might be the ideal Christmas gift!
*To remind him of the economy he created, may Michelle work in a part-time job with no benefits. It might do her some good to experience the real Obama economy.
*Since he doesn't want any of us to have coal anymore, I hope Obama gets coal in his Christmas stocking hanging above White House fireplace. May it always remind him of the plentiful cheap energy he took away from middle class Americans, in order to double our electric bills.
*Also in that Christmas stocking two books he ought to read: the book that best describes what Obama has done to America, my national bestseller, "The Murder of the Middle Class" and then there's the biography about Obama "The Audacity of a Dope."
*Don't forget an intrusive IRS audit under the tree. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.
*A crash language course in Hebrew, followed by a week underground in an Israeli bomb shelter with the citizens of Israel whose lives he's placed in peril.
*And my last Christmas wish for Obama…
IMPEACHMENT in the New Year...prison time for fraud for every Obama aide involved in Obamacare…and a partridge in a pear tree."
Merry Christmas and God Bless everyone.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Our America

American citizens are insistently barraged with calamitous news of the appalling unlegislated Obama presidency-numerous scandals, manufactured crises, economic chaos, aid to America's enemies and betrayal of her allies, "high crimes" and growing calls for impeachment. Perhaps even more alarming is the ascendency of millions of dumbed-down, degraded, dependent low-information voters – not to mention untold millions of undocumented aliens – who know nothing, and understand less, about what is really happening to America. No doubt about it: Several generations of allowing the nation's schools and universities, entertainment, news media, government and even many of its churches to become dominated by the "progressive" left has taken a heavy toll. Nevertheless, all that accounts for only one America. There are two.

For if approximately half the country is dependent, deceived and seduced, what about the other half – the tens of millions of right-thinking Americans, the patriots, the soldiers and veterans, the businesspersons and creators, the dreamers and opportunists, and all the hard-working blue collar citizens who thank God for the blessing of living in the greatest country on earth? There is little doubt that America is still home to millions of real Americans – people that reason, sense, hope, hold dear and preserve the values and faith of their nation's founders. Multitudes of men and woman have put their lives on the line for the real America. Its entrepreneurs, its risk-takers, its patriots, its law enforcement officers and its uniformed military are still very much alive.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Let us Honor The Honorable

While many in the nation, from Oakland to New York, rally in protest over the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, I keep wondering: What about good and morally upright law enforcement officers? As with our military personnel, we are often quick to hang the allegedly corrupt but slow to honor those who serve honestly to protect. Take a moment and think about these following statistics via the internet:

“On average, over the last decade, there have been 58,261 assaults against law enforcement each year, resulting in 15,658 injuries."

"A total of 1,501 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty during the past 10 years, an average of one death every 58 hours or 150 per year."

"There were 100 law enforcement officers killed in 2013."

"The deadliest day in law enforcement history was September 11, 2001, when 72 officers were killed while responding to the terrorist attacks on America."

"New York City has lost more officers in the line of duty than any other department, with 697 deaths. Texas has lost 1,675 officers, more than any other state."

In fact, while citizens have been rallying in Ferguson, Missouri, and New York, in just the past month, a dozen law enforcement officers have been killed across our country by the criminal element or accidents incurred while in the line of duty.

The truth is that most of the time across the country, injuries occur between police officers and the general populus not because the officers have a power problem but because civilians are breaking the law. If they obeyed the laws of the land or paused to respect authority a little bit more, the injuries to both civilians and law enforcement would be diminutive.

Let me apply the words of our Savior whose birth we celebrate each and every Christmas day reminding us of the sacrifice he and many of our law enforcement officers have made: "Greater love has no one than this: that one lay down his life for another."

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Are we Free to Express Displeasure

When the people fear employing their expressive liberties because of how the governmental targets they criticize might use the authority of the government to stifle them, we are no longer free.
Expressing ideas, no matter how forthright or unabashed, is the personal exercise of a natural right that the government in a free society is unable to affect, directly or indirectly. Yet, when the government is successful in reducing public dialog, be it written or spoken, so that it only contains words and ideas of which the government approves, it will have triumphed in establishing tyranny. This tyranny, if it comes, will not occur abruptly. It will begin gradually and triumph before we know it. The question to ask oneself is, has it already begun?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Islam and the Constitution in Conflict

How should we view Islam? Is not Islam a theocracy? And as such, does it really constitute a religion? Is not Islam an amalgamation of political, legal, and religious ideologies? In other words, law, religion and state are forged together to form what Muslims refer to as “The Nation of Islam.” It is given the sovereign qualities of a nation with clerics in the governing body and Sharia law all in one. This is a Theocracy, not a religion. This being the case, why is this nation’s chief executive, members of its legislative and judicial branches using the cloak of the US Constitution to protect a theocracy? I am in favor of federal laws prohibiting racial and religious discrimination. I am not opposed to one’s rights to practice their religious faith. I am opposed to those who seek special dispensation because of their religious belief when in fact, Islam is not by definition a religion. To cater to one group’s perception of what’s right in their eyes to the detriment of the whole is not the most effective way of dealing in accordance with what is good, proper and just. What we need from our elected officials is conformity with fact, reason, truth, or some standard or previously established law. I believe too many of our elected officials are acquiescing to what is politically correct and expedient. Why else would Sharia Law even be considered as the rule of law in certain municipalities if this were not the case?

Can we put a halt to the Washington’s perception and acceding to Islam’s autonomy demands based on religion? In my opinion we can. Why not ask our current leaders and future presidential and political candidates the type questions I previously mentioned? It might help determine who we support. I for one will do just that prior to campaigning for and casting my future ballot. Suggestion; start with local candidates and work your way up the food chain.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Another Day Another Race Targeting Claim

There is no doubt that the recent circumstances surrounding the death of a New York City resident, Eric Garner, leads me to believe he indeed was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows you cannot resist arrest for breaking the law. A law by the way, was put on the books not by law enforcement officials but by local elected bureaucrats. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different. He would not be on the roles of the deceased today. Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers, by law are duty-bound to make the arrest. From what I have seen on video, Garner, a black American, resisted being taken into custody.

What the public needs to know and the main street media along with Mayor de Blasio and race baiter extraordinaire Al Sharpton failed to mention is that Garner had a history of more than “30 arrests on charges including assault and grand larceny.”  At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation. Sharpton along with other like-minded liberal trolls claim he was being targeted for being black. If he was targeted at all, it was because of his past criminal deviancy. Yes, like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, Garner was no choirboy, nor was he looking forward to bettering himself through college or entrepreneurship (at least through legal means).  

The question we have to ask ourselves, did the choke-hold put on Garner actually cause or contribute to his death? Or was Garner’s death a result of his health issues? After all Garner suffered from a number of health problems, including “hypertensive cardiovascular disease, acute and chronic bronchial asthma, obesity, diabetes and sleep apnea.” One could argue that Garner’s poor health was the main cause of his death not a choke-hold. Regardless to contributing factors surrounding Mr. Garner’s demise, his death was not a result of racial targeting. It was a result of poor judgment on the deceased’s part.

Monday, December 1, 2014

From Not Viable to Less Viable with the Stroke of a Pen

Just the other day someone asked me when I was going to comment on President Obama’s Executive Order authorizing amnesty for five million illegal immigrants. For what it’s worth the following posting sums up my feelings about Obama’s executive action. Note: I am not against legal immigration nor do I oppose amnesty on an individual case by case basis. This should be considered only under extraordinary circumstances and within the framework of the rule of law.

A couple of weeks ago, the President addressed the nation about his intention to pursue amnesty for illegal immigrants through executive action. This decision, counter to his own statements over the last few years, represents the very height of Presidential arrogance and signifies a dangerous shift from a nation of laws to a nation of men. In order to achieve some sort of gain for his political party, the President risks damage to the rule of law in our nation, but he also threatens a more immediate impact on those here legally, those following the legal process to gain entry into our country, and others struggling to find work in a fragile economy. Our border states will also be further stressed as they deal with another, almost certain surge of additional illegal immigrants looking for similar treatment from this White House. On top of the just mentioned concerns with President Obama’s Amnesty Executive Order we have a possible conundrum with Social Security and Medicare as it relates to amnesty for the illegal immigrants.

Are you aware that federal law states that people who pay taxes and are deemed “lawfully present in the United States” can collect benefits under two popular entitlement programs? They may also receive survivor and disability benefits. Fact; The five million immigrants granted protection from deportation will be eligible for both Social Security and Medicare and all rights therein.  If you have what are generally regarded as the most popular entitlement programs – and they are not viable in the long run – and now you are making them even less so by adding large numbers of low income individuals then that is going to have a sizable and harmful impact on those people who spent a lifetime contributing into a Federal Government mandated “safety net” program. Some proponents suggest that analysis, of course, relies on the assumption that the long term finances of the two programs are not improved by lawmakers. The question to ask oneself is, when was the last time lawmakers improved anything without costing taxpaying Americans more money? It certainly was not Obama's "Affordable Healthcare" program. Do you suppose it was Obama’s “Shovel Ready Job” project or his “Cash for Clunkers” scheme or how about his “Clean Air” initiatives?