Every now and then I read something that I find both
satirical and true or theologically enlightening. I will share a piece written
by Wayne Allyn Root in its entirety. Hope you find the humor in it as I did.
When reading this piece remember it's just past Thanksgiving and Christmas is upon us, so cheer up and smile.
"Many of us are already
shopping for holiday gifts. So that inspired me to think up a holiday gift list
that I hope and pray Obama receives for Christmas! Here are 15 perfect holiday
gifts for Obama.
Secret Service disarmed- since he doesn't think rest of us need guns for
*Remove the
fence around the White House- since Obama doesn't think we need a fence at our
Southern border.
*A Christmas
dinner at White House prepared and served by illegal immigrants who just
arrived from the Ebola Zone- since he thinks rest of us shouldn't worry about
Ebola (or illegal immigration).
*And of
course, that White House Christmas dinner prepared with careful adherence to
the standards of Michelle's "nutritious" public school lunch program.
That should beyummy!
insurance cancellation for Obama family- just like the rest of us. After all
Michelle's policy doesn't provide coverage for pregnancy, Viagra or mental
health issues. It's gotta go.
*The end of
all criminal background checks for anyone hired at White House. Why not let
Obama enjoy the same policy his EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
tried to enforce on every business in America.
*May Sasha
& Malia enjoy their 2015 school year at a fine inner city public school.
After all, Obama believes those teachers unions really "care about the
*Since Obama
is such a believer in climate change, may he spend the last 2 years of the
Presidency riding around in a Prius, instead of his heavy, gas-guzzling
bullet-proof limousines. And of course Air Force One has to go too. From now
on, Obama flies coach...on American (the perfect airline for a guy who wants to
fundamentally change America).
*If Obama
comes under withering fire from terrorists, may he call his favorite General
and find him asleep with orders that he not be disturbed for the night. A
little taste of the last moments of our heroes at Benghazi might be the ideal
Christmas gift!
*To remind
him of the economy he created, may Michelle work in a part-time job with no
benefits. It might do her some good to experience the real Obama
*Since he
doesn't want any of us to have coal anymore, I hope Obama gets coal in his
Christmas stocking hanging above White House fireplace. May it always remind
him of the plentiful cheap energy he took away from middle class Americans, in
order to double our electric bills.
*Also in
that Christmas stocking two books he ought to read: the book that best
describes what Obama has done to America, my national bestseller, "The
Murder of the Middle Class" and then there's the biography about Obama
"The Audacity of a Dope."
forget an intrusive IRS audit under the tree. What's good for the goose, is
good for the gander.
*A crash
language course in Hebrew, followed by a week underground in an Israeli bomb
shelter with the citizens of Israel whose lives he's placed in peril.
*And my last
Christmas wish for Obama…
in the New Year...prison time for fraud for every Obama aide involved in
Obamacare…and a partridge in a pear tree."
Merry Christmas and God Bless everyone.