Saturday, December 6, 2014

Another Day Another Race Targeting Claim

There is no doubt that the recent circumstances surrounding the death of a New York City resident, Eric Garner, leads me to believe he indeed was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows you cannot resist arrest for breaking the law. A law by the way, was put on the books not by law enforcement officials but by local elected bureaucrats. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different. He would not be on the roles of the deceased today. Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers, by law are duty-bound to make the arrest. From what I have seen on video, Garner, a black American, resisted being taken into custody.

What the public needs to know and the main street media along with Mayor de Blasio and race baiter extraordinaire Al Sharpton failed to mention is that Garner had a history of more than “30 arrests on charges including assault and grand larceny.”  At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation. Sharpton along with other like-minded liberal trolls claim he was being targeted for being black. If he was targeted at all, it was because of his past criminal deviancy. Yes, like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, Garner was no choirboy, nor was he looking forward to bettering himself through college or entrepreneurship (at least through legal means).  

The question we have to ask ourselves, did the choke-hold put on Garner actually cause or contribute to his death? Or was Garner’s death a result of his health issues? After all Garner suffered from a number of health problems, including “hypertensive cardiovascular disease, acute and chronic bronchial asthma, obesity, diabetes and sleep apnea.” One could argue that Garner’s poor health was the main cause of his death not a choke-hold. Regardless to contributing factors surrounding Mr. Garner’s demise, his death was not a result of racial targeting. It was a result of poor judgment on the deceased’s part.

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