Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas and an Empty Headed Ideology

The Liberal Left are resourceful little creatures that possess what appears to be diminutive minds and their culture war is unending. For most of the past two decades, they have continued their assault on Christmas. They maintain the use of the word is offensive to non-Christians, and therefore politically incorrect. Really, "Christmas" politically incorrect. The Christmas tree has been replaced by the Holiday Tree. Happy Holidays has replaced Merry Christmas. All this in the name of political correctness.

Those behind the war on Christmas are multicultural equivocators who consider themselves the acculturated gatekeepers of the common good. And may I add, dreadful people without even a hint of the spirit of the true reason for the season. Again, rather than leaving a nation whose traditions so clearly annoy them and perhaps moving to another that does not celebrate Christmas, they remain and have the audacity to try and change their country, in this case America. One could suggest those opposed to Christmas move to Afghanistan, North Korea or possibly Iran where their views on feminism, gays, education and the likes would be most welcome.

Political correctness is an empty-headed ideology that everyone should refuse to support. It seeks to undermine and limit freedom. Those that use it as their “big stick” seek to fundamentally transform the culture, behavior and actions of a nation. As for me, I am old school; a traditional fundamentalist not a revisionist, a Christian, and a patriotic veteran, and I dislike those who espouse multicultural relativism. Did I say I love Christmas? If not, I do.

During the Christmas season, I will always wish those I come into contact with a “Merry Christmas," notwithstanding, that said greeting might just fracture the glass psyche of a moral relativist’s. That is a cross, I am willing to bear. To the readers of my blog: I wish you a merry Christmas, and a politically incorrect Happy New Year. Finally, stand-up, stand tall, stay the course and be proud when confronting the political correct liberal left. Remember, we are in the right.  Dare I say, “Merry Christmas” one more time? 

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