Saturday, December 20, 2014

Our America

American citizens are insistently barraged with calamitous news of the appalling unlegislated Obama presidency-numerous scandals, manufactured crises, economic chaos, aid to America's enemies and betrayal of her allies, "high crimes" and growing calls for impeachment. Perhaps even more alarming is the ascendency of millions of dumbed-down, degraded, dependent low-information voters – not to mention untold millions of undocumented aliens – who know nothing, and understand less, about what is really happening to America. No doubt about it: Several generations of allowing the nation's schools and universities, entertainment, news media, government and even many of its churches to become dominated by the "progressive" left has taken a heavy toll. Nevertheless, all that accounts for only one America. There are two.

For if approximately half the country is dependent, deceived and seduced, what about the other half – the tens of millions of right-thinking Americans, the patriots, the soldiers and veterans, the businesspersons and creators, the dreamers and opportunists, and all the hard-working blue collar citizens who thank God for the blessing of living in the greatest country on earth? There is little doubt that America is still home to millions of real Americans – people that reason, sense, hope, hold dear and preserve the values and faith of their nation's founders. Multitudes of men and woman have put their lives on the line for the real America. Its entrepreneurs, its risk-takers, its patriots, its law enforcement officers and its uniformed military are still very much alive.

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