Friday, April 24, 2015

Let Us Not Feign Ignorance

Let us not feign ignorance over Loretta Lynch’s position on Key Obama policies of the Obama Administration, as many of our Washington Representatives have. Some say that Lynch makes Holder look like a Constitutionalist. A cursory bit of research allows those of us who are mere political novices a glimpse of Ms. Lynch’s social and political ideology that paint a portrait of her judicial leanings.

Loretta Lynch states that the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program is "constitutional and effective" (OK with NSA Spying); Like her predecessor, Loretta Lynch refused to state whether or not she believed the President has the power to carry out drone strikes on US soil against American citizens (that’s due process for you); By all indications our new Chief Law Enforcement Officer supports Barack Obama's misuse of Executive Orders to effectively overturn the will of Congress and write new laws via executive fiat. All this in addition to her role as the Queen of civil asset theft while U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Warning; Common Core is an Indoctrination Tool

Americans who love freedom, the Constitution and the Judeo-Christian values upon which this country was founded will have to get busy – and quick – if those principles are to survive over the long term. The stakes are really that high. As the establishment knows well, that fight starts and ends in the classroom – and Common Core is the current battlefield. 

The Obama administration has made no secret of its desire to control America’s children's education from cradle to career. By all appearances top educational officials have also been very specific in terms of the radical ideas and values they plan to drive into the impressionable minds of this nation’s youth. 

Let me pose this question; Do you send your children to school to be indoctrinated or do you send your child to school to facilitate them being productive adults? If you are like most parents, you want them to be learned responsible and financially stable adults not state programmed marionettes.

But that matters little to the Obama administration and its extremist allies in education reform. – the United Nations, environmentalist, secular humanists, politically correct socio-political movements, population-control zealots and Common Core financier Bill Gates, and the whole corrupt educational establishment. Using taxpayer-funded bribes, Obama's Education Department has been very successful so far in imposing its controversial "Common Core" national standards across most of America. 

In fact, from what I have been able to gather form differing modes of media the problems with the new education regime are so serious that the only two subject-matter experts selected to serve on the Common Core Validation Committee both refused to sign off on it. This being true, their comments should serve as a vociferous warning to the American people. 

Let's be clear: Common Core (or Obama Core), the program that has ignited a groundswell of passionate resistance from a multitude of teachers, parents, students, taxpayers, and experts across the political spectrum, is a major assault on America's children. The apparent strategy is simple as it is malicious: Destroy the literacy of American youth through historical revision, geo-political indoctrination and assimilation of secular progressive humanism.

Obama and his followers are not being dismissive when they threaten to fundamentally transform our society. They know that transformation must begin in the classroom – with the minds of American children. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Common Core is Worth it or Worthless

A little history follows: Common Core began as an effort to establish uniform national standards and tests, and was incentivized by billions in federal funding and waivers from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind. The program was then promoted by the Obama administration, in the midst of a recession. To aid the implementation process, the federal government created two national tests aligned with the standards. But as the deadline for implementation loomed closer, states began to realize the costs of adopting Common Core, both financial and in terms of their educational decision-making autonomy required either a complete opt-out or in the least a re-look.

Why not consider full repeal of the Common Core standards?  Why have the states not develop their own standards that are better, higher and cleaner than Common Core. Essentially, each state should have the right to define their education standards. Why not craft a set of standards exclusively for a given state’s student population, by borrowing from rigorous standards that have profited another state’s student population, but also retaining solid standards of their own?

Based on research, practical classroom experience, and prior knowledge of education testing methods, one would think that the practice of competitive federalism in educational testing would serve state school systems well. For those who are unfamiliar with the term competitive federalism in educational testing, it is the process of a given state evaluating their current standards, keeping what is good, discarding what is bad, and using what has worked in other states. Competitive federalism is the opposite of one-size-fits-all approaches like Common Core. This is why Opposition to Common Core continues to build across the nation, driven largely by parents. Even the most ardent of educrats should have realized that quality education is best supported and fostered by those closest to the children—local leadership, teachers and parents—who are best equipped to craft an education system that fosters upward mobility and opportunity for children in their state.

As has been well documented, there is a growing apprehension across the country about the bias and censorship that is seeping into the curriculum of American schools. The alluded to predisposition and expurgation of American history is but one example about context that matches the objective. Is history just about what happened or why it happened as well? Is it about learning what happened it its historical environment or attempting to apply today’s social and cultural standards to critique past events and actions out of their context? What is the objective of teaching American history? That, in essence is what much of the Common Core controversy is about. In my opinion, both good and criminal of any historical event as well as subsequences should be taught, with balance being the objective. To do otherwise just makes American history an exercise in rote memorization. This very example reinforces why local leadership, teachers and parents are best to craft an education system’s curriculum and resulting standardized tests.

And for those who have yet to form an opinion as to where this blogger stands reference; Common Core, read between the lines.  For those who support federal Common Core standards as they are, you are part of the educational problem not the solution.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Re-evaluating the Script and Reality Wake-up

Is the reality of Obamacare beginning to hit America? Is the repercussions of the adoption of this health plan set the train in motion to its inevitable conclusion? I dare say all the evidence points to one inescapable answer. Yes! Even worse, despite the repudiation of Obamacare in the last election, there’s no help from Washington on the way.

 Whether you are retired, employed, under employed, unemployed, a business owner, someone who works for the business owner, healthy or suffering from some pre-existing condition or recently diagnosed malady, insured, under-insured or uninsured, you need to be prepared for more upheaval and doubt about the future state of medical care in America. 

Make no mistake about it – everyone will be impacted negatively by Obamacare. You can pray for help – always a good idea. You can hope Republicans in the House and Senate will act – but that’s looking more unlikely with each passing day.

Obamacare is proving itself to be an unsustainable medical system. Obamacare’s future is now clear. Are you ready for physician shortages, scarcity of medications, availability of select procedures, extended wait times and “go through the roof” medical costs? The wait for Obama’s healthcare created calamity is over.  

The trailer for Obamacare was nothing short of a "B" production of imaginary proportions. The actual product though, is lacking star quality. This writer has yet to determine if Obamacare is a mystery, dark comedy or horror production. For this reason I gave it a 1 Star rating. If only the critics could have read the script prior to production, the product would have never left the cutting room floor. Thanks Obama, Congress and Supreme Court.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Dark Clouds are Gathering

Is there is a tempest brewing on the horizon? Does that storm include Christian persecution in America? As others are beginning to say, I have said for years, that persecution of those who believe in Christ is coming to America. Have we not already seen many laws that have passed that restrict our freedom as Christians?  As for me, I agree with those who believe it’s going to get worse, and I see no help coming from those currently in positions of power.  It has become apparent that the only persons of religious persuasion gaining influence in Washington are those that represent the Islamic faith. This being the case, we do have a problem in America. We are losing our religious freedom and we’re losing it day by day.

Do we not have a problem in Washington? Have we as a people not become avaricious? Have we as a people not become acrimonious? Do we as a people not fight with one another? Why are there so few practicing Christian Democrats and Christian Republicans running for office? Is the God of our forefathers no longer needed in the White House, Congress, Justice Department, Judicial Courts? How about our State Legislatures, our County and local Municipal Offices? 

I leave you with these words of reflection; if we, as Christians fail to act accordingly, who will act on behalf of the faithful? If we fail to act now, when will we act? If God is no longer at the helm, who is driving the boat? Let those of us who claim to be Christians act now and put Christ back at the helm of our ship. We must demonstrate resolve now and right America's course.