Friday, April 24, 2015

Let Us Not Feign Ignorance

Let us not feign ignorance over Loretta Lynch’s position on Key Obama policies of the Obama Administration, as many of our Washington Representatives have. Some say that Lynch makes Holder look like a Constitutionalist. A cursory bit of research allows those of us who are mere political novices a glimpse of Ms. Lynch’s social and political ideology that paint a portrait of her judicial leanings.

Loretta Lynch states that the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program is "constitutional and effective" (OK with NSA Spying); Like her predecessor, Loretta Lynch refused to state whether or not she believed the President has the power to carry out drone strikes on US soil against American citizens (that’s due process for you); By all indications our new Chief Law Enforcement Officer supports Barack Obama's misuse of Executive Orders to effectively overturn the will of Congress and write new laws via executive fiat. All this in addition to her role as the Queen of civil asset theft while U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. 

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