Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Warning; Common Core is an Indoctrination Tool

Americans who love freedom, the Constitution and the Judeo-Christian values upon which this country was founded will have to get busy – and quick – if those principles are to survive over the long term. The stakes are really that high. As the establishment knows well, that fight starts and ends in the classroom – and Common Core is the current battlefield. 

The Obama administration has made no secret of its desire to control America’s children's education from cradle to career. By all appearances top educational officials have also been very specific in terms of the radical ideas and values they plan to drive into the impressionable minds of this nation’s youth. 

Let me pose this question; Do you send your children to school to be indoctrinated or do you send your child to school to facilitate them being productive adults? If you are like most parents, you want them to be learned responsible and financially stable adults not state programmed marionettes.

But that matters little to the Obama administration and its extremist allies in education reform. – the United Nations, environmentalist, secular humanists, politically correct socio-political movements, population-control zealots and Common Core financier Bill Gates, and the whole corrupt educational establishment. Using taxpayer-funded bribes, Obama's Education Department has been very successful so far in imposing its controversial "Common Core" national standards across most of America. 

In fact, from what I have been able to gather form differing modes of media the problems with the new education regime are so serious that the only two subject-matter experts selected to serve on the Common Core Validation Committee both refused to sign off on it. This being true, their comments should serve as a vociferous warning to the American people. 

Let's be clear: Common Core (or Obama Core), the program that has ignited a groundswell of passionate resistance from a multitude of teachers, parents, students, taxpayers, and experts across the political spectrum, is a major assault on America's children. The apparent strategy is simple as it is malicious: Destroy the literacy of American youth through historical revision, geo-political indoctrination and assimilation of secular progressive humanism.

Obama and his followers are not being dismissive when they threaten to fundamentally transform our society. They know that transformation must begin in the classroom – with the minds of American children. 

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