Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Dark Clouds are Gathering

Is there is a tempest brewing on the horizon? Does that storm include Christian persecution in America? As others are beginning to say, I have said for years, that persecution of those who believe in Christ is coming to America. Have we not already seen many laws that have passed that restrict our freedom as Christians?  As for me, I agree with those who believe it’s going to get worse, and I see no help coming from those currently in positions of power.  It has become apparent that the only persons of religious persuasion gaining influence in Washington are those that represent the Islamic faith. This being the case, we do have a problem in America. We are losing our religious freedom and we’re losing it day by day.

Do we not have a problem in Washington? Have we as a people not become avaricious? Have we as a people not become acrimonious? Do we as a people not fight with one another? Why are there so few practicing Christian Democrats and Christian Republicans running for office? Is the God of our forefathers no longer needed in the White House, Congress, Justice Department, Judicial Courts? How about our State Legislatures, our County and local Municipal Offices? 

I leave you with these words of reflection; if we, as Christians fail to act accordingly, who will act on behalf of the faithful? If we fail to act now, when will we act? If God is no longer at the helm, who is driving the boat? Let those of us who claim to be Christians act now and put Christ back at the helm of our ship. We must demonstrate resolve now and right America's course.  

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