Sunday, May 17, 2015

Apologetic's, An Introduction as to Why

Believers of the Christian faith are told that they are to make a defense of the Christian faith. One has only to look at 1 Peter 3:15 in the bible to see the classic verse promoting apologetic's (defense of the Christian faith). We are told to make a defense “for the hope we have.” This being true, is it not logical that if we are to successfully do such, it must be accomplished by providing sound reasoning as to why we believe as we do?

Make no mistake, defense of the Christian faith unaided, separately from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit cannot bring someone to saving grace. Does this not generate a false dilemma in the minds of many a skeptic and unbeliever? It does potentially create a quandary for those who logically cannot accept a transcendent force over rationality. As others before me have stated, it does not have to be “spirit against logic.”

I ask, why not both, spirit and logic? Does not the Holy Spirit move someone to a position of belief? How the Holy Spirit accomplishes this is at His discretion. With some people God uses personal difficulties or trials; in others it is an arousing incident; while in others it is through reason. Cannot our God use whatever means He desires? We, however, are commanded to use apologetic's in as many or more places as we are told to spread the “Good News” of the gospel.

My next apologetic post will deal with existence of God. Does He exist?

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