Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ongoing Slaughter of Christians is Political Inaction

How much longer will President Obama and other world leaders idly standby and allow the ongoing slaughter of Christians by ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups? What’s our generations excuse? Our current generation has no excuse regarding the execution of Christians by ISIS and other like collections of sociopathic assemblages who masquerade as Jihadist warriors but in reality are pathetic cohorts of an infidel of Islam. Let there be little doubt, I say this in a most pejorative manner. ISIS, also known as the Islamic State, has declared the formation of an Islamic caliphate governed by Sharia with sovereignty over large swaths of conquered territories. Presently, it dominates portions of Iraq, Syria, Libya and Nigeria. As ISIS’s sphere of influence expands, so too will it be accompanied by persecution and wholesale genocide, especially among Christians. The fact that we are day after day seeing videos of executions, is proof enough that Obama and the rest of the civilized world is not succeeding in putting a halt to the liquidation of those of Christian faith and for that matter those of differing fidelities or beliefs.

Like many, I do not want to see more Christians executed for his or her faith. Now, how much more is the world going to tolerate? How many more Christians must die before Obama or Congress takes appropriate actions? Has not Sharia already raised its ugly head in America? Has not passive persecution of the Christian Church in America already begun?

ISIS and every faction of Islamic extremism must be terminated if civilization is to survive this cancer. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. As others before me have cautioned, I too alert the reader of this post to stand tall, be alert and actively support those who promise and take appropriate actions to protect the innocent who are persecuted for their faithfulness to Christ.

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