Friday, October 9, 2015

Candidates, Issues Confronted, and a Plan

Give or take a few million here and there, with anywhere between 10 and 20 million illegal aliens living in America, the self-inflicted engineered scourge of illegal immigration overwhelming American today is indeed a serious issue that needs to be identified, debated and solved by the presidential candidates of both political stripes. Ordinary Americans of differing origins are keenly tuned to the various solutions proposed by the candidates.

Where a candidate stands on the Second Amendment is also a critical political bellwether among the patriots who are proud members of the NRA and other Gun Owners groups of America. Millions of other gun owners and those addicted to self-evident truth, logic and common sense also give a damn about this life-and-death issue, as we know full well that more gun laws won’t stop the Democrat-engineered bloodbath in Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Saint Louis and everywhere else they create unarmed and helpless victims.

The Affordable Care Act is a pernicious law that has already sent health-care costs skyrocketing and will ultimately limit access to medical staff and procedures. Concerned Americans want to know how candidates would replace it.

More debate and more solutions are required from the GOP field about how each of them would retool the burdensome, bureaucratic, leviathan like U.S. tax code. Same could be said of dealing with Islamic terrorism. In the Army, we paratroopers used to say “let us kill them and Allah sort them out.” How refreshing that would be to hear a candidate say.

What are the solutions Trump, Fiorina, Carson, Cruz and the other GOP contenders offer to America’s financial accountability? There is the National debt and its accompanying interest rate. The debt numbers are so large that hardly anyone can wrap their head around it. Now, if you’re a generational parasite who does not pay any taxes and only wants more government free greenbacks, this number matters little. Ultimately, our national debt will strangle economic growth, continuing the shrinking of wages and good-paying jobs. That’s not just a conservative opinion, but the reasoned thoughts of the Congressional Budget Office.

Again, what are the solutions Trump, Fiorina, Carson, Cruz, Rubio and other GOP hopefuls propose? Same goes for Sanders, Hillary and Biden. As we have all heard, "talk is cheap."

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