Monday, October 26, 2015

The Democratic Party, The Bottom Line and It is Dark

Democrat politicians and Democratic presidential candidates continually proclaim they are standing up for the middle class, for the "little guy," for minorities and other "victims" of prejudice and injustice. They want to defend the fairer sex against the ravages of "the GOP's war on women" and to counteract conservative Republicans' "racism," "bigotry" and "hate."

Have you not heard this administration and other DC Progressives say that Congressional Republicans want to "shut down the government," "deny healthcare to women," "give us dirty air and water" and "throw the family Matriarch over the cliff." On every issue, the Left blames conservatives while posing as the protectors of society's victimized underdogs – women, students, blacks, Hispanics, gays, the poor, workers, minorities and migrants. In reality it is the left that is causing most of the "victimization" of Americans it decries. 

I contend it is Obama and the secular progressive left that has unleashed wave after wave of havoc and misery on America. From the metastasizing sexual anarchy the cultural Left has visited on a once Judeo-Christian nation; to the rampant family breakdown and fatherlessness leftist policies promote; to the growing violence in urban black communities shamelessly encouraged by the left; to the growing demoralization of the American military as a laboratory for far-left social experiments; to the decimation of the American economy with its rampant unemployment, unpayable government debt and destruction of savings under Obama's leadership – the leftist agenda of today's U.S. government and culture have all but destroyed America. In a word, victimized it. 

Yet even while causing such massive chaos and suffering, liberal-leftists merrily– as in a trance – blame it all on conservatives and Christians, the one segment of American society that wishes to "conserve" the moral, spiritual, economic and constitutional foundations of the impressive American success story. 

Here is the bottom line: Today's Democratic Party, under sway of the socialist/Marxist ideology that has largely captivated it, is at war with reason, historicity, nature of humankind, common sense and truth – indeed, at war with God and His laws. In fact, the far left cannot operate without violating the Ten Commandments. For example, leftist radicals continually elevate and excuse murder (abortion), adultery (sexual liberation), stealing (wealth redistribution), lying (constantly hiding their real agenda) and covetousness (Churchill called socialism 'the gospel of envy') – thereby wiping out five of the ten Commandments, all in the pretext of fighting for freedom, justice, equality, and the American way.

If there is good news, it is that the better we understand the lunacy that has captured us – both as a nation and as individuals – the more clear becomes our means of exfiltration  back to the God fearing nation we once knew, and would know again if we could find the way back.

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