Thursday, October 1, 2015

When it comes to Islam...Why the Silence

When it comes to Islam, sometimes it seems as if the media lets non-essentials crowd out the truth. Consider the uproar raised by the media in the wake of some controversial remarks. Recently a man posed a question and directed several other comments to GOP president candidate Donald Trump. The remarks were made at a town hall meeting. The unknown male questioner stated that America has a problem with Muslims and our sitting president was a Muslim (or words to that effect). He also alleged that Obama was not even a natural born American. Did not liberals and national media immediately zero in on the factual errors in the anonymous questioner’s query? However, what’s interesting is that, while the liberal left and mainstream media jump at the opportunity to attack Trump and an ill-informed questioner, it steadfastly refuses to ask some difficult questions that underlie the concerns millions of Americans have about President Obama’s failure to confront the very real problem of radical Islam. What about the actual problem of radical Muslims training to kill Americans? The media is very concerned about someone being misidentified as a Muslim and spends hours of coverage on it, but shows little interest in actually identifying Islamic terrorism, which is far more dangerous than an ignorant question-and-answer session on the campaign stump.

Though President Obama has been baptized as a Christian, he does govern in such a way that seems more pro-Muslim than pro-Christian. With his words, Obama seems to favor Islam over Christianity at every turn. Has not Obama claimed the Islamic State is not Islamic because no real Muslims would do what they do? At the National Prayer Breakfast, he tried to tweak Christian noses by dredging up the Crusades – which, for the record, officially ended in 1291 (Look it up). Obama says he is a Christian. Rumors that he is actually a Muslim persist not because of bigotry or racism, but because of his domestic and foreign policies: If he were secretly a Muslim, it is unlikely that he would govern in any significantly different way. Although the unknown questioner made some extravagant avowals, there is still an important question at issue: How real is the threat of radical Islam? I dare say, very real. And political correctness, embraced by many in our culture, simply masks that reality. Did not Osama bin Laden recruit Muslim soldiers for international jihad? Their text was a “180 page manual, ‘Military Studies in the Jihad against the Tyrants,’ which included chapters on counterfeiting, weapons training, security, and espionage. ‘The confrontation that we are calling for with the apostate regimes does not know Socratic debates … Platonic ideals … nor Aristotelian diplomacy,’ the manual begins. ‘But it does know the dialogue of bullets, the ideals of assassination, bombing and destruction, and the diplomacy of the cannon and machine gun.’” Do not Ideas have consequence? Some of these ideas are dangerous. Yet to our liberal minded politically correct friends, it is almost as if Islamophobia is just as much of a threat as radical Islam, only in a different way. That’s absurd. Are there not problems associated with radical Muslims in this world? Why not be honest with ourselves and admit there are inherent evils as they pertain to radical Islam and its followers. The earlier we are honest about that, the nearer we come to solving a problem that will not go away of its own volition.

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