Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Trump, The Leader America Needs and Why

Is Trump the only candidate out there who can save America? At this moment and time he may just be the only candidate that can. Why?  He’s the only candidate that speaks out about the country’s economic problems and offers feasible fiscal solutions that are logical.
While I disagree with Trump on certain issues, I believe America needs somebody to wake it up. Is Trump sometimes brazen, forceful and self-confident? Yes! But he is willing to say what he believes. Are we not in need of a breath of fresh air in Washington? His ego and wealth permits him to – where a lot of these other presidents don’t – surround himself with really good people that he is not beholden to. One of Trump’s characteristics that sets him apart from the other candidates, and makes him the best man for the White House job, is his willingness and skill to hand pick excellent advisers with reputations as the best of the best. Trump knows he needs as many good people as he can get in this environment today. Aside from Reagan, when was the last time we saw this in a president? Certainly, not at present time.

Like Trump, but with whole lot less money, I am known by some to be outspoken in my views. I want to speak out now because I love America and I feel ardently about the dysfunction that is going on both in Washington and the halls of corporate America. Trump states one problem facing the country is the “carried interest loophole, which allows earnings of hedge-fund managers and other private-equity firms to be taxed at a lower rate than normal income.” Trump proposes to eliminate the tax break.

Unless one has been living under a rock they are somewhat aware that U.S. companies have been doing a great disservice to the economy by maintaining profits in overseas ventures, via complicated tax schemes. It appears to me, a middle-class retired American, that if we continue to allow these companies to continue business as usual we will continue to falter economically as a nation. If we fail to allow these companies to bring the money back that they are making overseas, they are just going to simply move out of this country. It is going to materialize more rapidly than we think. While Congress is sort of fiddling around, this thing is being done. The country is burning and they’re fiddling. Trump’s just released tax plan shows his intent to bring companies back to domestic soil. He has campaigned on the idea that China, Japan and Mexico take too much advantage of America’s economy and U.S. businesses ought to have a restructured tax code to allow them to better compete and grow. Who can argue with that rationale? I have yet to hear of any other candidates (both GOP and Democrat) plans for economic recovery/expansion and real tax reform that benefit America and the middle-class.

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