Thursday, September 17, 2015

America's War on Christianity Requires Action Part 2 of 2

Was not the principles and precepts of the Mosaic Law until recently largely reflected in the law of the land in the United States? Is it not one of the most powerful of citadels against tyranny? I contend this is why the authoritarian administration of Mr. Obama is doing its best to sweep every last remnant of it away. And how have our Christian denominations, churches, clergy and parishioners responded? Too many of the mentioned have responded with a resounding, culpable, disconcerted, disconcerting silence. Silence in the face of an enemy is not an option for those who claim Jesus as their Savior. I now call upon Christian denominational leadership, the clergy, and parishioners everywhere to stand up and be counted for Jesus. If His message means anything to them, then let them now come forward and defend it against this latest and most insidious attack upon it.

Let us deal with an often stated objection. Christian denominational leaders and clergy within particular denominations may feel that it is somehow unkind to the malefactor to preach forthrightly against Obama’s and the liberal left’s promotion of deviant lifestyles, or hurtful to hard-pressed mothers to preach against abortion. Yet in Christian doctrine, rightly understood, there has always been the very clearest of distinctions between unremittingly speaking out against the wrongdoing, on the one hand, and just as unremittingly loving the wrongdoer, on the other.

Where can a mother traumatized by the horror of abortion turn? Clearly not to the pitiless, indifferent, “Obamacare” state. They turn to the Christ centered Church, which speaks out more plainly than most secular oriented leaning churches in defense of unborn children, who often seem to have no one else to speak for them and, for obvious reasons, cannot speak for themselves. The Christ centered Church understands how those mothers feel. It does not judge them. It helps them, unconditionally.

By the same token, it is correct for the churches to question one's choices in life that are in inconsistent or incongruous to Biblical scripture but without in any way condemning the person(s) individually. Silence, however, is no longer an option. Most denominations, churches and clergy are not very good at working together, but, in the defense of the Savior’s message, I urge them to do so now. We can no longer ignore the fact that the many liberals in positions of political power detest Christianity and will do anything to weaken or destroy it.

The churches have one weapon that they all too seldom use. It is the faithful in the pews. Millions of them. Many of them democrat voters. Church leaders should now get together and draw up a written declaration of principles, policies and objectives of laws passed by Obama that they want repealed. They should deliver that list to all presidential candidates. And they should make it clear they will preach against any presidential candidate who fails to state, publicly, his or her support for every item on that manifesto.

One may wonder is there is biblical support for such declaration. There is support for action. Look no further than Luke 22:36 “He said to them, but now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword sell your cloak and buy one.” Jesus came to bring not peace but a sword. Is it not time for the church to be confrontational and revolutionary once again? If not, I fear the Church, as it was intended will all too soon become the "Church Forgotten."

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