Thursday, September 3, 2015

To the Contrary, Hillary is not Gifted, Able and Smart

For many years now we’ve been told by the Liberal left and its allies in the mainstream news media that Hillary Clinton is the smartest woman in the world. The most competent and qualified to be President of the United States. Far and above any of her competitors for the highest office in the land.
Democrats like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Boxer, Pelosi and many others promote this narrative, and jump to Hillary’s defense whenever her character is attacked or her record of dishonesty is pointed out. Yet they can provide no examples of Hillary’s accomplishments other than generalizations about her being a “champion for women’s rights and children.” A rather curious argument considering Hillary’s long history of looking the other way and ignoring her husband’s philandering and sexual abuse of countless women over the years. Somehow that doesn’t really sound like someone who is a champion for women. And let us not even touch children's rights, lest we forget her stance on abortion.
And calling herself a “champion for the middle class” is simply Hillary’s version of every other politician running for office who tells us they’re “for more jobs and a strong defense,” without ever providing specifics on how they intend to achieve those goals.
As with Barack Obama, Hillary’s true believers purposefully overlook her obvious character flaws, her history of lies and deceit, and her willingness to throw others, including other women victimized by her husband under the bus in order to protect her own ambitions. Hillary Clinton and her defenders are examples of what is absolutely the worst in American politics.
Yet Hillary, the proclaimed smartest woman in the world, apparently felt that violating the National Archives and Records Act and risking the exposure of American diplomatic, defense, and intelligence related secrets by maintaining them on an unsecured and unencrypted private email server was not a bad thing and really was quite alright. Smart move! This writer is of the opinion that Hillary’s unbridled ambition is what drives her and her allies, not any sense of integrity, or character, or a desire to do something to repay her country for the wealth she has massed over the past decade. After all it's all about Hillary. You tell me, is there a pattern here? Recall Benghazi and "what difference does it make." And now her email server. Yes, there seems to be a definite pattern and not one that indicates a great deal of intelligence. Just an indication of a great deal of dishonesty and blind ambition.

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