Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ahmed and The Clock that Looked Like a Bomb

Remember the Muslim kid that brought the “clock that looked like a bomb” to school? Logically speaking the kid does not belong in jail. Maybe a juvenile detention center but not jail. On the other hand his parents might be deserving of some hard time. Regardless of your skin color, nationality, or faith, who in their right mind lets their child go to school with a briefcase filled with circuit boards, wires, and timers? Is that not setting up your offspring for something bad to happen? What’s worse, is that his parents were aware of it. It appears to me, by outward appearances, Islamist parents, though, really aren't too concerned with the welfare of their own kids.

The progressive left says, but he's just an innocent little guy who liked to experiment with electronics. If that’s not a tall tale what is? One can walk into any small electronic stores or peruse online to get real electronic experiments or projects kits. I smell a conspiracy here. Do you suppose this was a setup from the get-go? I speculate that this was possibly a deception organized by entities yet known so that the rightful and proper response of the school and police could be used to claim victim-hood and Islamophobia for this little spawn.

This is how Islamists take advantage of the tolerance of Western Civilization. They conduct suspicious acts to see how people will react, be it in on aircraft, on the street corner, in schools, in malls and then cry discrimination and Islamophobia if they get in trouble. If they don't get caught, then they know what they can get away with. If they do get caught, their false cries of intolerance embarrass those around them into ignoring their suspicious activities -- at their own peril. The media coverage of those who rally in support of him displays every element of these tactics.

It appears Irving, Texas has become a ground-zero for Islamism to try to embed themselves. Their self-appointed "sharia court" was rightfully shut down by the city council, and now they're going to make citizens of Irving pay. Thankfully for Irving, they have a mayor and city council with backbone. Let's hope your city leaders do the same when the Islamists try to move in. Otherwise, you can look to the Islamic ghettos of Europe to see your future.

This liberal left and media portrayed the future Einstein prodigy as a victim. This “victim” will more likely than not end up at a madrasa, paid for by all of the fools who are bestowing money to him -- where he'll eventually learn to build the real thing. Dismiss my opinion at your own peril or worse yet, call me a dogmatist, if you desire. Defriend me if that appeals to you. Debate me if you wish, I’m game. What if the little guy was a Christian kid and white at that? Does the reader really think Obama would have invited a “Little non-minority Clock Maker” to the White House? How foolish of me to ask such a ridiculous question. We already know the answer. One has to look no further than Obama’s tweet to the privileged “Little Clock Maker.” I quote” Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America great.” What’s next for Ahmed? Would you believe invitations to visit with such celebrities as Mark Zuckerberg, Stephen Colbert, and Ellen G.? Little Ahmed has even received biddings from MIT and NASA. Twitter has even offered him an internship.
What’s next for this clock making child prodigy? How about the Presidential Medal of Freedom?

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