Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What Advice Would you Give Trump in his Presidential Bid

If you could give Donald Trump some advice that would help him in his presidential bid what would it be? If I had his ear, I would advise Trump to say, as the future president, he would refuse to raise the national debt limit and force Washington to live within its means like every American family and business is forced to do. He should emphasize that $18 trillion is too much debt, and that continued borrowing by the federal government is completely unsustainable. The only way to dig America from the hole it finds itself in is to stop borrowing, and, as president, he will not request or approve any future hike in the debt limit. He should also allay fears on Wall Street that such an action will result in a default by ensuring that Washington, under his leadership, will continue to service the existing debt. And, lastly, he should characterize this action as a great opportunity to return to constitutionally limited government by cutting government spending and programs that never should have been started in the first place. Imagine a smaller government with less duplication of processes and fewer bureaucrats to deal with. That's what I call streamlining for the sake of efficiency.  Sorry Affordable Care Act, SNAP, HUD, OPIC, Export-Import Bank, Rail Subsidies, Head Start, PBS, Endowments for Humanities and Arts, Title 10 Grants (planned Parenthood), EPA, UN Funding, Foreign Aid, IRS, your the first groups to be expunged or in the least curtailed. Note: This advise, freely given by this writer, would be beneficial to any presidential candidate and its at no cost to the taxpaying public. 

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