Thursday, September 10, 2015

America's War on Christianity Requires Action Part 1 of 2

The Obama administration, like all autocratic regimes, has been at odds with Christianity from the start. Now that Obama is in the final months of his occupancy of the White House, the administration has thrown all caution to the winds and is attacking the Christian faith on every front. Obama has deliberately undermined the institution of marriage by promoting “gay marriage.” He has not done this because “gays” represent a persecuted minority. A minority, certainly: Can one actually believe they represent a persecuted people? Certainly not. They already have the right to form civil partnerships, so as to gain the bureaucratic and tax advantages of marriage.
Obama has deliberately promoted child-killing by the abortion funding provisions in “Obamacare.” He promised that these provisions would not actually be enforced against the conscience of Christians. It is now all too apparent that that promise, like so many of Obama’s promises, was hollow. Has not Obama deliberately bowed to a Saudi king, deferred to Muslims, called himself a Muslim, staged himself to make it look as though he was Christian, and gone out of his way to spit in the face of traditional Christian teaching? In particular, faced with the massacre or forced relocation of tens of thousands of Syrian Christians, like the House of Lords before the war, he “did nothing in particular, and did it very well.”

Obama’s policy of deliberately targeting Christians has now led directly to the confinement of a county clerk for the crime of standing up for her Christian beliefs. It has also led to the punishment of bakers who did not wish to bake same sex wedding cakes, and of home-owners who did not want to rent their spare rooms to same sex couples, and florists who declined to cater to same sex couples marriage ceremony.  The baker, the home-owner’s and the florist declined to service the desires of same sex couples, not because of homophobia but religious objections based on their Christian faith. Obama has deliberately done nothing to discourage local authorities who have sought to ban the public display of manger scenes, crosses, prayers, even Christmas trees on the ground that non-Christians might be offended. Has Obama not been silent in the face of attempts to remove public inscriptions mentioning Jesus or God?  Has he not been silent as revisionists profess that the Founding Fathers had little time for Christianity? Moral authority has now gone. Mr. Obama has seen to that. He has seen to it most thoroughly and deliberately and consciously.
The vague ground that the democrats got most of their votes by handing out taxpayers’ money to those who could not or would not work, paid no attention to the repeated warnings they were given that the democratic party would eventually turn on Christianity itself and start to persecute it. Well, persecution is here now. The autocrats know who their true enemies are. And it is we, the professing Christian.

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