Monday, February 15, 2016

Redical Islam is a Threat Part 2 of 5

Let's be clear, in alerting American and other nation’s citizens on the threat from radical Islam, I am and we can together accomplish what our government and it's leaders are refusing to do. While they have their heads in the sand or up their posterior and remain ignorant, willfully or otherwise, of the grave threat that our nation, other Western nations and the world faces, we as a society must speak out. I will speak out all over the blogosphere, periodically informing citizens of the dangers of acquiescing to political correctness as it pertains to radical Islam and its method of conversion to its brand of Islam. To forewarn a populous is to arm its citizens with the knowledge they must have to counter the miscreants, social deviants, sociopaths and psychopaths of a wayward and evil order of Islam. 

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