Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Mosque has An "All American Story." Really! Part 3 of 5

Does it not appear that President Obama is taking the old adage "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" to a whole new level?  This being the case, we might as well get to know our neighbors. 

Last week, the president made a highly revealed and aired visit to the Islamic Society of Baltimore. This particular American mosque has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and purportedly other Muslim fringe groups. The mosque, according to Obama, has "an All-American story." This statement raises a question. Which story is the President telling? A story of all religions being equal? Obama said "Think of your own church or synagogue or temple… And mosques like this will be very familiar. This is where families come to worship and express their love for God and for each other." Has not this particular mosque been a prejudiced place of worship? Has it not been a hot spot for radical rumination? 

For some time, I have questioned whether this administration was standing idle while terrorism was being manufactured in radical American mosques (for that matter, prisons also). Because the situation is growing worse, I no longer see the Obama administration just standing idle, I now see it standing by radical American mosques, and doing so under the auspices of religious freedom and goodwill.

Is it a secret that those who will lead the next attack on America have grown up and gone to school here? Has not FBI reports and eyewitness accounts made it clear that a large number of the mosques in the United States urge their congregations to wage jihad against the infidels and impose Sharia Law first on all Muslims and then on all Americans? 

Sharia Law is not only vicious - justifying murder, the oppression of women, and the annihilation of other religions - but it's also incompatible with the U.S. Constitution. Can one be a strict adherent of Sharia Law and still swear an oath to our Constitution? Yet, we allow Sharia to be advanced on a daily basis in hundreds of mosques across America. 

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