Thursday, February 11, 2016

What Islam is and What it is Not Part 1 of 5

One only has to possess an historical mindset to understand Islam. From the beginning our nation’s founders knew that Islam was not a religion of peace. Why, because it reigned over the citizenry by the sword. In the past wherever Islam was dominating, you had conflict and fighting. At present, all one has to do is look at the Islamic nations around the Mediterranean, Africa, and elsewhere to see if they are nations of peace. It's not a religion of peace. And our forefathers recognized that. If they recognized it, why cannot Western leaders? Why cannot Obama? Why does Obama talk about how Islam is a religion of peace? Why does he attempt to portray Islam as a major part of American history? If Islam is so good why are so many Muslims seeking asylum or migrating to non-Muslim nations? If I were residing in a country whose government desires to take them in, I would seek assurances from the government that all immigrants be thoroughly vetted and they agree to assimilate into the host nations culture, learn their language and follow their established laws. In essence they must be willing to adapt. The reason for adaptation/caution is two-fold. first, Islam is not everyone's religion, therefore Muslims must co-exist with others of differing faith/beliefs. Second, both recent and past history tells this writer that adaptability is not Islam's strength but it's weakness. Note; this is not an indictment against all Muslims. Many do contribute to the betterment of a given society. The religion itself does not always get along with others. Buyers beware! 

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