Monday, June 6, 2016

Donald Trump, A Gift to America

It was said early in the election process by Charles Krauthammer: “this is the strongest field of GOP candidates in 35 years. You could pick a dozen of them at random, and have the strongest cabinet America has had in a life-time. And instead, all our time is spent discussing this … rodeo clown.”  
One must admit Donald Trump has soared and crashed all over the news. Has he not dominated the airwaves like a drunken sailor on a 3-day shore pass? Has he not taken over the polls like an “Eveready Energized” bunny beating drums? Can he not say about anything and get away with it? Did Trump not take down one opponent after another, and spend more time wowing crowds instead of crowing about his victories? Did he not play the media game better than Obama and most certainly Queen Hillary? This old, white New England liberal turned conservative carried the Winner Take All states like a winner. Albeit, $2 billion in free advertising did not hurt his election efforts. How right the talking heads were. They kept talking about Donald Trump. And now everyone will be voting for or against him in the months to come. He said anything he wanted to, including what many of us were thinking, myself included. And yet, so many people did not consider him a thinking man, or even worth thinking about. The Washington Post’s own and Fox contributor Charles Krauthammer dismissed him as a “rodeo clown.” And now he’s got his name on the show’s marquee.

And … In a sense, Donald Trump has been a gift to America.  He has exploited the media-hyped hypocrisy of objectivity. They can’t pretend to be integrated or principled. They just want ratings, money, and they chose, willingly or otherwise to chase the hottest item rather than the most politically adroit. He has also proven the power of right-wing as well as left-wing media to create a candidate. Look at all the news site from conservative think tanks as well as the liberal mainstream media.  So, the GOP has a rodeo clown at the top of the ticket. Is that such a bad title role for him to play? This being the case, who's laughing now? Certainly not the DC political establishment.  

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