Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Misplacing Blame for The Orlando Carnage

An American-born Islamic terrorist, Omar Mateen, slaughtered 49 human lives in a gay club in Orlando, Florida. My heart goes out to the families of those killed and to those left behind trying to make sense of such a vile act. The President blamed the horrific violence on “hate.” Exactly which terrorist acts could ever be blamed on love? Barack Obama, in his official statement on the massacre, never mentioned the word Islam. Like Democrat presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, Obama wants to pretend that this was just about being gay.
Islamic terrorism doesn’t give a rat’s rear end about who they kill—Christian, Jewish, Agnostic, Pantheistic, gay, straight, white, black, brown, etc. These barbarians will kill fellow Muslims to advance their brand of evil.

Of course, the Left doesn’t like changing its narrative that Western Christianity is the real oppressor of the LGBT community in this country. With all of the Christian churches in the Orlando area, peculiar is it not that I’ve yet to hear of a single mass shooting in the name of Christ. Maybe because Christianity doesn’t teach killing those with whom we disagree. Leftist news outlets, in desperate attempts to create a dichotomy between “moderate” Muslims and the murderous thugs who pledge allegiance to ISIS trot out PR remarks from the prominent mosque in the Orlando area. On its webpage, the center declares: “Members of Husseini Islamic Center, stand united with our fellow Americans in categorically condemning this attack. We share the grief and sorrow of the nation and stand united with the Central Florida community and City of Orlando. Our heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to the families and loved ones who are victims of this tragedy.” Is this for real? Or is it double speak?

Was it not just months earlier, however, this same mosque featured a keynote speaker who called for the killing of homosexuals as “the compassionate thing to do”? Yes, it was but a few months ago. The same man referring to homosexuals in a 2013 speech, said: “Death is the sentence…Let’s get rid of them.” Somehow, now, this center is seen as the voice of reason among the Orlando Muslim community? Don’t believe me? Check out the webpage and do some elementary research as I did. Never one for reason in this War on Terrorism, Obama has passionately maintained his denial of Islamic terrorism throughout his presidency. He prefers the phrase “violent extremists”. He has promoted the radical LGBT agenda like no other president in history. What, exactly, explains the fervor in which he so desperately avoids the truth and so quickly accuses Americans of being homophobic and Islamophobic? Good question certainly. Should we expect an answer soon? Don’t hold your breath.

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