Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Long and Short of It...Gone, Departed, Dead

Think about this. Is not Sharia the gravitational force of the entire global Islamic community? It’s like the sun in the solar system. Every planet revolves around the sun. Distinctions between the different planets are secondary to how they all orbit the sun. In the global Islamic movement, Sharia is the thing they all agree on. There is no controversy between any of the groups anywhere in the world on their one stated strategy, which is the implementation of Sharia law. The disconnections, and the conflicts and arguments are simply tactical.
Only the most Islamic leaning ideologue would view ISIS as anything other than King Kong or Godzilla. It stomps on buildings and eats planes, trains and automobiles for what ails him. Some within the intelligence field say, “Muslim Brotherhood front groups are the snake under the door. They slither in and bite you under the foot.” The long and short of it: In all cases, you’re gone, departed, dead. But then it turns out they’re working for the same team. The global Islamic movement, the global Islamic network, is not just ISIS. There are other components to the network. All of them interact and have an effect on each other.
Does not Sharia call for homosexuals to be given the death penalty? I argue the culture clash between Muslims who want Sharia law and Westerners who favor individual rights will not be easily solved and more terrorist attacks appear imminent. Is not the Quran very explicit about homosexuality and very plain spoken? Same goes for the Hadith, the sayings and actions of Muhammad. It is equally explicit. Then comes all of that being put together into Sharia law, also, very clear against you. Then you have tradition, the cultural traditions that are woven into these three main sources. They’re woven altogether with various changes depending on what part of the world you are in. Nonetheless, it is well established in the global Islamic movement that homosexuality is prohibited. Violently so, in many cases. As we see when gays are thrown off buildings or the various other forms of persecution we see throughout the Islamic world. 
What happened in America is a unique event considering its location and time and the number of people that were killed. But in a macro sense, it is not unique. As they long as they feel they have the arena to operate in, they will keep pushing. They will not stop, because their religion does not allow them to.
Why cannot America’s leadership, the progressive left and the gay community itself not see the obvious? Some might say, they fail to see the forest because of the trees. Maybe it’s time for all those just mentioned to defoliate some of the vegetation that obstructs one’s view. From this writer's conservative view, it begins with identifying the enemy, developing Courses of Action (COA), choose the most effective COA, execute the plan and eliminate the threat. Note: political correctness is not part of the battle plan.

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