Monday, December 5, 2016

Millennials, Celebrities and Regular Americans

Have we not in the past few weeks witnessed millennials cry, celebrities write lengthy diatribes about the death of America and regular Americans roll their eyes in disgust at the left’s reaction to President-elect Donald Trump?
Let us look at the hypocrisy of many on the Left. They proclaim that everyone is racist, but they themselves take actions that fit into their definition of what a “racist” really is. How many of these democrats who are now probably “literally shaking” thought they could demonize white America and get away with it. They never imagined that that sort of racist strategy would backfire.
Trump’s election is the apocalypse Scenario for Democrats because they were just on the verge of turning the whole country into California through mass immigration. Democrats have turned into the party of hollow people, and as a result they have lost touch with everyday Americans who just want to afford a pleasant house and send their kids to a nice school.
Trump isn’t the devil-Nazi-fascist-anti-everything person liberals are trying to make him out to be. He’s just a guy who wants to help America become great again and recover from the calamitous eight years we have lived through. If that’s what liberals define as “hate speech,” then they need to go pick up a dictionary, better yet, there's always Wikipedia dictionary.

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