Monday, December 12, 2016

So She Thinks, Therefore She Must Be

Long before Pelosi began her lifelong career in politics, she was the daughter of a Democratic congressman from Maryland and a mayor of the deeply political city of Baltimore. In other words, she was born into government royalty. Or, so she thinks, therefore she must be.

Pelosi recently excoriated the president-elect’s choice to head HUD, Dr. Ben Carson, as a “disconcerting and disturbingly unqualified choice.” The nation, Pelosi exclaimed, deserves someone with “relevant experience” in the position. Knowing this about Pelosi also makes it easy to understand why she’d say such disparaging things about Dr. Carson. He is, after all, a black man who was able to avoid the poverty cycle in which Democrats love keeping U.S. minorities mired.

Pelosi is more than the face of Democratic denial. She’s the face of the party’s most dastardly deed: Pushing handouts that enable the poverty cycle rather than providing the tools to break it. And that raises another point: Other than keeping people in it to ensure people vote for handouts promised by Democrats, what does Pelosi and her ilk know about poverty that qualifies her to rate candidates to head HUD? After all, it’s probably safe to wager a lower middle class black kid from Detroit knows a little more about beating poverty than a congressman’s wealthy daughter from Baltimore.

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