Monday, April 24, 2017

Draining the Swamp a Work in Progress

Did “cultural erosion” help Donald Trump become president as some claim? There may be some truth to that. But even more than "cultural erosion," do you suppose it was a “confidence erosion”? American confidence in Washington’s ability to solve problems had seriously eroded. Many Americans saw Donald Trump as a breath of fresh air, a non-politician, a businessman who would put America first. His “buy American, hire American, defend American” stance was music to millions of voters’ ears as was his promise to “drain the swamp.”
In all actuality, Trump’s winning the presidency may prove to be easier than “draining the swamp.” You heard me correctly. Trump taming the swamp and its alligators may be a bigger challenge than he ever imagined. With demonstrations clamoring for his impeachment, leftists in Congress doing all they can to delay, oppose and contest his every move, leaks sharing politically troubling material like a sifter. America’s new president seems literally surrounded by swamps and a media ready to protect it and attack his every move.
In summation, my three-point opinion follows: First; The swamp is the DC establishment. Second: The alligators are made up of the left and main stream media. Lastly, alligators like crocodilians sometimes eat their own. Now, let’s order off the menu.

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