Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Rise of Islamism Foreshadows Downfall of West

Based on what I know about immigration of non-Western peoples in Europe, I am convinced the current situation in Europe foreshadows what America will soon look like unless there is a course change. Do you not realize Western Europe is less than a peer group ahead of us in how far their culture is devolving downward?
This being the case, can we help restore Western civilization for the world? If we can’t defend it here in the United States of America, it can’t be defended anywhere. Has the reader of this post not seen news feeds depicting Muslims rioting, raping and setting fires in cities across Europe? If not, watch the news. Better yet goggle it.
This is what we can expect in America if we duplicate the archetype that Europe has, and the archetype they have is ethnic enclaves that limit economic opportunities, do not encourage the development of host country language, and keep immigrants in their own culture that have not experienced adaptation. Instead, they re-erect their home country’s culture within the host culture, and that’s a formula for insurrection, partition and violent behavior. The calamities that you’re seeing there are calamities that are coming to a community near you. Are we not seeing more and more racial division in the streets of America? Are we not seeing an uptick in Muslim demonstrations and radical Islamic terrorism?
What we need is more people with resolve to stand up for Western Civilization. Should we not begin by exposing the radical liberal left, advocates of Islamism and those activists who promote non-assimilation within immigrant enclaves as assailants of Western society itself? If the West should meet its demise, which seems to be what they are striving for, what’s next? Is it extinction of freethought, democracy, human rights, need for equality?

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