Thursday, April 6, 2017

BLM in Light of ALM

The other day, while discussing a concern that is common among those in the political arena, and academia or interacting with the secular left reference; “Black Lives Matter (BLM), it became apparent to me the use of “All Lives Matter” (ALM) is disagreeable to the liberal left. Unsurprisingly, liberals object to the term ALM by implying the term is racist. Really!

Now this being the case, my brain began churning. How do we as conservatives confront those who espouse such ideologically inane or mindless suppositions. Those who know me or in the least are familiar with my weekly posts know I am not reticent to express my views.  Given the importance of the issue, I will write a response that when tactfully used will benefit others who find themselves confronting liberals who support BLM's activist ignoble rhetoric.

The first thing to remember about responding to a deceptive accuser is what not to do. Above all, resist the temptation to accuse the purveyor of the accusation or of harassment or of …this, that or the other. That is what the liberal left does and it is wrong. The best way to respond to ignoble speech is with enhanced speech, not bowdlerization or censorship. Furthermore, you need to respond to accusations of racism with questions rather than assertions. Whether addressing crowds, writing papers, teaching impressionable minds or simply arguing a point with a counterpart, these are lessons that have served me well over the years.

When being confronted by a social faultfinder simply ask: What do you mean by racists? One needs to realize that “run of the mill” die hard liberals and especially academician ultra-leftists rarely understand the terms they are using when they attack conservatives. Racism is a specific belief that races can be ranked according to genetically inherited characteristics. For example, when a white supremacist takes a racist view of blacks he is really saying that they are genetically inferior. This genetic inferiority allegedly manifests itself in lower intelligence, which, in turn, translates into other undesirable characteristics such as sloth and a propensity toward crime. If the babbling liberal, regardless how he/she sees themselves cannot supply the correct definition of racism after he/she has used the term then he/she makes a complete fool of her/himself.

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