Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Sad State of Affairs

Where is the news media who claims that they will challenge anyone who stands against press freedoms?  So, where’s the media in defense of Daleiden and Merritt who exposed California’s Planned Parenthood for selling baby body parts? In 2015, Daleiden and Merritt released video showing high-ranking Planned Parenthood members joking about selling baby body parts for market rates and picking through baby body parts to demonstrate which sorts of body parts were available for sale for medical research, as well as talking about the best methods of abortion for procuring those baby body parts. More mindboggling is that California is prosecuting them for deception instead of rewarding them for exposing infanticide. Is this not a travesty of justice. My thoughts: Only in California do the unborn, legal citizens, taxpayers, homicide victims and their loved ones take back seats to abortionists, illegal aliens, non-taxpayers, murderers, and social deviants.  To my friends in California, you have my sympathy and prayers. Sad state of affairs in a sad State.

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