Friday, March 24, 2017

Immigration; Rule of Law Governs

I can see it now; liberals clutching their rosary beads when Department of Homeland Security Secretary said he was "considering" a plan to separate illegal alien children from their illegal alien parents if they're caught crossing the border. The idea of taking children away from their parents who recklessly risk their lives and subvert our laws was too much for the professional liberal outrage class, to include their surrogate media, which set out to create a domino effect of Rosary clutching across America at the prospect.  To put it simply, the DHS Secretary was succinct and to the point in his assessment: "Illegal entry has got to stop, regardless of circumstances." Like General Kelly, most Americans, myself included do not wish illegals harm. We just do not desire illegals entering this nation illegally, and I sure as hell don't want them to be rewarded with tax payers subsidies. If apprehended they should be sent back from where they came from as quickly as we can find a suitable mode of transportation bound for their homeland. 

I have empathy for people fleeing corrupt and pathetic nations/regimes to come to America, but to allow individual reason to be prevailed is simply not sound. America is a compassionate nation with a big swinging gate. If one chooses to climb over the fence those same persons should be sent home packing. Since that’s not how our system currently works, rather than (Obama’s) “catch and release,” people caught entering illegally should be detained until they can be sent home. And as a possible deterrent they should lose their children during that process.

If that doesn’t deter people from risking their lives and the lives of their children, so be it. If they choose, they can pay the thousands of dollars to do it all over again, complete with another one-way flight back home when they get caught. I know the main street media wants me and others like me to care, to feel emotions that override logic and condemn this inhumane treatment. But it’s not going to happen. Emotion should not set policy; the rule of law matters. I can’t be the only one who thinks so.

Yes, some legal immigrants have founded companies and employ people, others have distinguished themselves while in the service of our nation. Like my Grandparents, they also arrived here legally and assimilated. Note, the word assimilated.

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