Thursday, March 9, 2017

Progressive Left's Postscript of A Failed Election

By their actions, the progressive left are doing whatever they can to subvert President Trump.  Why, one may wonder. Simply put, their far left ideologue presidential candidates  were defeated by a pro-America first electorate. The democratic party still cannot put their heads around that fact. Are we kidding here? The Democratic Party nominated the worst and most vulnerable candidate in U.S. history who, after losing, blamed the head of the FBI, who declined to recommend that she be indicted, as the reason for her loss. Regardless of Mr. Trump's many vulnerabilities, Mrs. Clinton was an awful candidate and the post-election meltdown of the Democratic Party is demonstrating the wisdom of the voters.

I voted for Mr. Trump not Mrs. Clinton. To date, I like what I see from Mr. Trump and I find the Democratic reaction to Mr. Trump reason enough to cast the appropriate ballot. Excluding voters who thought the wall with Mexico or an indictment of Mrs. Clinton were the touchstones of their vote for Mr. Trump, the number of Trump voters who are happy to date must be nearly one hundred percent.

It is more than apparent that many Democratic and Republican voters who held their nose and voted for Mrs. Clinton must be having voter remorse. Voters do not want a continuous negative approach to the president of the United States. Voters do not want a senator who has never managed more than a group of sycophantic staffers attacking an experienced businessman who is putting together a team of thousands to oversee the government. The man has hardly taken more than a day off since his election, is working 14 hours a day, and has a bit of experience in putting together effective management teams. Voters do not want far left college professors and administrators sniffling about voter decisions and influencing their college age citizens to act like grade school children.

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