Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What Ignorant Fools These People Are

I’m writing this while disgusted at the lies and misinformation on the news, and as I have previously learned, it is probably not a good idea to put anything in writing while disgusted. But then when has that stopped me before? Hopefully I am wrong but by all appearances, Democrats both elected and with media credentials, are in the middle of an attempted annexation of the government right now. They are not taking up arms themselves; By their misguided actions they’re inspiring aimless, ignorant malcontent dregs to do their bidding. And there is no sign of them stopping until someone gets hurt or worse.

Everything changed when DJT took office. Alleged journalists put away their laptops and took out the long knives, sharpening them for their fellow Americans who simply exist wrong, in their estimation. The American people, the masses of humanity who enable these elites to live lives of leisure and sumptuousness crossed a line. They rejected the last eight years of what the left considers a resurgence for the enlightened and elected a man they consider a clown.

With “What ignorant fools these people are” trickling from the gradation of their every word, they garbed their souls in their best brown shirts and set about to destroy this “mistake” before it took root. Since the election, Democrats and journalists alike (redundant?) have been slipping further and further into “Trump is Hitler” themes. Some have outright said it. They toss around words and phrases such as “fascist, racist” and “anti-American” as if they were daisy petals trying to determine true love. These Gestapo aspirants employ tactics that would make Goebbels go red in the face to manipulate those who still trust them.

Let us hope these interlopers and their surrogates realize “biting one’s nose to spite their face” is foolhardy at best. If not opposed by the conservative right, they may still pull it off.

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