Monday, July 31, 2017

Progressive's Highway to Globalism via Socialism's Toll Roads

Bigger government may not be lunacy to the far-left progressives who have been eroding the Constitution, thus moving us closer to socialism and a collective state. Why, one may ask would the democratic party take America down the road to collectivism? I surmise, it is what the progressive lives for. It has become apparent, it is a means to achieve their end. And just when one thinks it’s safe and cease paying attention, here they come again. Is this not the archetypal “top down, bottom up” thinking of our left-wing progressive socialist thinking brethren? The big question that all Americans should be asking; in what ways should the members of a society or nation state be made equal?  

Through admittedly, not very exhaustive research, I have become familiar with the far left progressive “top down, bottom up” philosophy that has been and is currently being employed by Democrat leadership and their lieutenants. This philosophy has been labeled, the Hegelian/Marxist approach. The exercise is as antediluvian as politics itself. It is the “Hegelian Dialectic of bringing about change in three stages: Thesis, Anti-thesis and Synthesis.” The first step is to create a problem. The second step is to generate opposition to the problem via trepidation, dread, fear, hysteria...The third and final step is to offer the solution to the problem created in step one: any change would have been impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychosomatic operant conditioning achieved in steps two and three.

Put into operation, the Hegelian Dialectic, and alluring monetary influence, obscured change proxies seek to dismantle societal and partisan structures by which free men govern themselves. Do not the exponents of this political philosophy appear to be globalists? Do not advocates of globalization tend to promote and encourage such policies as increases in immigration, intrusion, and global governance? What is the objective of those who champion Globalism? One can only surmise as I, that the globalists intent is to devitalize independent states, amalgamate nations under universal government, centralize economic powers and control the world’s people and resources. 

Could not universal control over all nation’s economies, peoples, and resources easily morph into One World Government? Who then decides what’s best for the whole, much less the individual? Are we now seeing the initial metamorphous stages of this governing philosophy within some of our own current government branches?  Could there be a master plan in the works? There is more than a strong possibility it is. Look no further than government mandated healthcare, secularization of our religious, educational, social  institutions/organizations, immigration, taxes, seemingly perpetuity of congressional tenure, fake news, sanctuary cities, genocide of the of the innocent for convenience (abortion on demand at Tax payers expense)...

Monday, July 24, 2017

Who Do We Fight?

Do you believe in political involvement? Do you believe in social action? Do you believe in taking responsibility for our nation, even the world? Do you believe in rolling up our sleeves and getting involved and being agents of positive change? Do you also believe that our greatest battle is a spiritual battle – not a political battle or even a social battle and we do our country a disservice when we neglect the spiritual battle at hand? Do you believe as I, all the above?

Did not the Apostle Paul explain to the believers in Ephesus that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places?” What? Organized cosmic powers of darkness? Demonic forces arrayed in heavenly places? Joking aside, are we, in all seriousness supposed to accept this? We ignore the spiritual realm to the peril of our own souls. That’s why Paul exhorted his readers to “take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.” Are we not in a spiritual war?

In no way am I downplaying earthly realities one iota. I am not saying that we’re not fully responsible for our actions. We are, and we can no longer say, “The devil made me do it.” I am not saying that some Democratic policies are not categorically vile or that some Republicans are not suspect or that some of our government’s decisions are Au fait or well informed. And, I am absolutely not saying that instead of voting and petitioning and speaking up and taking stands we should just stay home and pray. I  am saying that we have focused way too much on natural things and not nearly enough on spiritual things. I am saying that we, Christian conservatives have put too much trust in Party politics. Our hope is in God's hands, and only He can bring about changes America and the West so desperately needs.

Monday, July 17, 2017

The Left's Spin on History is Re-write it.

George Orwell said, "The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history." Did not the old Soviet Union, use censorship, historical revision and liquidation of undesirables? Do you, the reader think these mentioned tactics involved political spin? Is not political spin a form of propaganda, achieved through providing a biased interpretation of event(s) or campaign to persuade public opinion in favor or against something or someone? Does not spin imply the use of duplicitous, deceit, and questionable Machiavellian stratagem? 

Bigger question! Is this taking place in America as we speak? Are there not efforts to rewrite history in the U.S., albeit less tyrannical as that in the Cold War days. Are not the terms slavery, bondage, serfdom  being used by spinmeisters as a tactic of revisionists? Did not New Orleans Mayor have General Robert E. Lee’s monument removed in May? Did not the Former Memphis Mayor campaign to remove a statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest and the graves of both he and his wife removed from a Memphis city park? In Richmond, Virginia, there have been calls for the removal of the Monument Avenue statues of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Gens. Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and J.E.B. Stuart. Have not these history revisionists enjoyed nearly absolute success in getting the Confederate flag removed from state capitol grounds and other public places?

Slavery is an undeniable fact of our history. The costly war fought to end it is also a part of the nation's history. Neither will go away through cultural cleansing. Removing statues of Confederates and renaming buildings are just a small part of the true agenda of America's leftists. What’s next on the left’s revision list? Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin all expunged because, “way- back- win,” they owned slaves. Will the people demanding secondary schools named after a Confederate Civil War icons be changed? Does that mean this writer never attended Robert E. Lee High School or Kirby Smith Middle School?

Rewriting American history is going to be challenging. Just imagine the task of sanitizing Mount Rushmore. The challenges of rewriting American history are endless, going beyond relatively trivial challenges, such as finding some new faces for Mount Rushmore. Consider that roughly half of the delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia were slave owners. Do those facts invalidate the U.S. Constitution, and would the history revisionists want us to convene a new convention to purge and purify our Constitution?

The job of tyrants, leftists and mischief-makers is continuous. When they accomplish one goal, they move their agenda to something else. If we give them an inch, they'll take a mile. So, I say, don't give them an inch in the first place. The hate-America types use every tool at their disposal to achieve their agenda of discrediting and demeaning our history. Our history of slavery is simply a convenient tool to further their cause. Frankly, I say to hell with them and their mainspring. 


Monday, July 10, 2017

Pathological Vehemence

Until recently, the left’s phobic loathing of President Donald Trump was mostly peaceful. Senseless, yes but non-violent nevertheless. Democratic members of Congress, without reserve insisting, he must be impeached, though unable to expose a single crime he’s committed. The “mainstream media” endlessly obsessed with conspiracy theories of Trump’s “Russian collusion,” even though every intel official testifies there’s no evidence. Progressive psychiatrists long-distance diagnosing Trump as “mentally ill.” The tabloids and MSM frequently comparing him to Hitler. A United Church of Christ bishop insisting Trump’s proposed budget is designed for “ethnic cleansing” –synonym for extermination, liquidation or genocide. And, the merry-go-round, goes around and around. 

 Are we not gazing at pure lunacy at this juncture? Consider where we are: In Trump’s brief time as president, has he not appointed a conservative constitutionalist to the Supreme Court? Is he not rebuilding America’s decimated military? Has he not begun the process of exchanging the failed Obamacare scheme for an alternative healthcare system at a lower cost? Has he not commenced rolling back business wrecking regulations? Has not the stock market seen historical gains?  Additionally, he has traveled to the core of the Islamic world to address dozens of Muslim heads of state, in what some say is a powerful display of American presidential leadership. Has he not pulled us out of an unfair Paris climate accord? Has he not compelled NATO to contribute more money to their defense? More amazing, Trump does all this while standing in the breach, confronting persistent attacks from all sides – from Democrats, from a preposterously antagonistic press, from ‘deep state’ Obama loyalists and even some Republicans. 

Those on the left – including the Democratic Party, its propaganda wing (the mainstream media) and many in the permanent federal bureaucracy (deep state) – feel so threatened by Trump’s presidency they are engaged in an ongoing do-or-die operation to put an end to him.  The bright side of the picture! The operation just might be a suicide undertaking because they are apt to destroy themselves in the process. One can only hope!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Indepenence Day, A Time of Reflection

For me, as we approach the 4th of July, America’s Independence Day, it is a time of reflection, a time of sweet and bittersweet memories. I reflect on America’s historical acts of defiance in the face of incredible odds as it sought to liberate itself from the bondage of an intolerant oppressive king.
I am writing this post to pay tribute to those patriots past and present, those men and women, who gave of themselves, who sacrificed so much more than I, in liberation of a beleaguered people, both here, during the American Revolutionary War and more recently abroad. I compose this post to pay homage to those who served this nation in its quest for freedom, in its quest to unfetter others from the bondage of servitude. 
For parts of four decades I wore the uniform of a Military Service Member of the United States. In my case, I spent a career in the Army. I served in times of peace and conflict. I fulfilled my duties as both an Enlisted Airborne Infantry soldier  and later as an officer serving in a verity of assignments and locations throughout the world and finally retiring, following my last duty assignment at HQ, Army Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. 
Unlike Washington, Adams, Grant, Longstreet, Lee, Eisenhower, Patton or my father PFC Sam Alano (WWII), I have yet to fight even once to preserve America from despots like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, much less Cornwallis, Gage or King George III of 17th Century England. I am honored to have followed in the footsteps of those patriots just mentioned. I am especially privileged to have served with those men and women who gave their lives or were willing to give their lives to liberate a suppressed people from despots or ideological driven madcaps who aspired and still aspire to rule the world of their own design. 
As I have previously affirmed, America’s Independence Day is a hallowed day. It is a day of rumination honoring past and present patriots both in and out of uniform. Though many of their voices have been silenced for many years, their service to America cry Freedom from tyranny. Freedom from the shackles that bind our spirit of self-determination. Freedom from government legislation to curb Christian conscience. And Freedom from political reasoning, which too often is embraced by those of so little character. 
There may come a day when each of us will be called to respond to the cry of freedom. One will either answer the call as our Founding Fathers did in 1776…as did partisans from both North and South in 1860…as did our GI’s in 1941 and since…as did the early Church patriarchs in the 1st Century. It is my prayer and hope, we as Americans, never have to make the same choice our Forefathers made. But what if…? Is it independence or subjugation? Do we bear the cross or abandon it? Do we hold the standard high or simply drop it? As for me, it is Independence, carrying the cross and raising the standard high.