Through admittedly, not very exhaustive research, I have become familiar with the far left progressive “top down, bottom up” philosophy that has been and is currently being employed by Democrat leadership and their lieutenants. This philosophy has been labeled, the Hegelian/Marxist approach. The exercise is as antediluvian as politics itself. It is the “Hegelian Dialectic of bringing about change in three stages: Thesis, Anti-thesis and Synthesis.” The first step is to create a problem. The second step is to generate opposition to the problem via trepidation, dread, fear, hysteria...The third and final step is to offer the solution to the problem created in step one: any change would have been impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychosomatic operant conditioning achieved in steps two and three.
Put into operation, the Hegelian Dialectic, and alluring monetary influence, obscured change proxies seek to dismantle societal and partisan structures by which free men govern themselves. Do not the exponents of this political philosophy appear to be globalists? Do not advocates of globalization tend to promote and encourage such policies as increases in immigration, intrusion, and global governance? What is the objective of those who champion Globalism? One can only surmise as I, that the globalists intent is to devitalize independent states, amalgamate nations under universal government, centralize economic powers and control the world’s people and resources.
Could not universal control over all nation’s economies, peoples, and resources easily morph into One World Government? Who then decides what’s best for the whole, much less the individual? Are we now seeing the initial metamorphous stages of this governing philosophy within some of our own current government branches? Could there be a master plan in the works? There is more than a strong possibility it is. Look no further than government mandated healthcare, secularization of our religious, educational, social institutions/organizations, immigration, taxes, seemingly perpetuity of congressional tenure, fake news, sanctuary cities, genocide of the of the innocent for convenience (abortion on demand at Tax payers expense)...