Sunday, August 27, 2017

A World Void of Savoir-faire and Notions

Like a political party without intention, university campuses are void of ideas. Historically, colleges and universities in America represented fountainheads of free inquiry. Were they not at one point in time places where the free exchange of ideas was acceptable and stimulated? Did not important public policy plans, schemes, proposals in part, historically come from academia?

Sadly, no more. The ship of academic enlightenment has sailed. In its place, we find a junk (ancient Chinese sailing vessel) moored on our university cesspools. Are not our post-secondary schools increasingly infected by the idea that people have rights and responsibilities based on their genes? Or their ethnic affiliation? Or their gender or lack thereof? Or their sexual preferences? Instead of discussing whether school vouchers would help unfetter the disadvantaged school age children from the bondage of educational disparities that lead to manifest failings in low achieving schools. From what I have seen and heard, some campus protestors, to include some professors are claiming that even hearing the case for vouchers “marginalizes” black students. Ditto for changes in the operation of a given welfare system, or just about any other reform proposed by someone who is right-of-center.

Furthermore, are we not increasingly told that speech itself is a form of violence? There are those who espouse physical violence as justified to silence speech that is offensive. So, say Antifa leaders, and other left-wing personalities and organizations talking heads. It has become apparent that hostility to and mistrust of intellectualism is so consuming campus life that even a slight deviation from political correctness on questions of identity can incite derisive vilification.

What is happening on college campuses is an indicator of what is happening in elite culture, the DC Swamp, the arts and entertainment community and many of those characters who live within those mentioned confines. Crux or essential point: having lost all interest in ideas (to the extent that they have diddly-squat, nil, zero to say) the political left, elitists, cohorts have turned to identity culture – asserting that people have rights and obligations based on their genes or their ethnicity or their gender. If you disagree with them, they will not debate the merits of the case. They will instead attack you as an enemy of the groups for whom PC requires sympathy. And they will encourage members of those groups to lash out against you – violently in some cases – because in the world of the asinine, clueless or witless, aggression is the only thing left. They are a world in themselves, void of savoir-faire and notions; or is it brainwaves? Then again, I digress.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Strategic Bombing and Contemporary Politics

Being a retired Army Officer and lay political analyst, let me briefly touch on Strategic bombing and its relationship to contemporary politics. Strategic bombing is designed to destroy a country's ability to wage war by demoralizing civilians and targeting features of an enemy's infrastructure that are essential for the production and supply of war materials. One of its main objectives is to demoralize the enemy so concessions will be made and the enemy conquered. Taking this a step further, this battle strategy is now being used in the culture wars, as we saw several months ago in my state of residence, North Carolina prior to the repeal of House Bill 2 (the law prohibiting controversial bathroom policies from going into effect). More recently, we have seen similar strategy used throughout the nation in eliminating statues that some find fault on moral/cultural grounds.

In Alinsky's “Rules for Radicals,” which many on the left use as a guide for today’s cultural battle plans. He states: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.” And that’s exactly what we saw in North Carolina and more recently across the nation, reference long dead Southern Civil War leaders/statesman. Threats of economic disaster stacked upon us from the leftist media outlets across America to include NPR, all before a crucial vote to repeal HB2. It was nothing less than strategic bombing, with the use of projected economic losses instead of proven economic gains.
The facts as I understand them are that NC has thrived economically since the passing of HB2, yet those facts simply got in the way of the radical left. So, they fire stormed us with fake news to drum up our imagination that North Carolina was headed into the proverbial outhouse hole if we kept the law in place. Again, as I understand the facts; Tourism was thriving and the economy was expanding in North Carolina despite bathroom bill desertions.
Just days before the vote, the AP circulated a bogus report that NC was going to suffer huge financial losses, upward of $4 billion in income. And with that diminutive projectile of guile, the strategic bombing began. Suffice it to say little to none of these reported the positive economic facts mentioned above, but only the monetary threats from the AP analysis. It was nothing less than strategic bombing – and it worked.
Many of the same state representatives who took a moral stand for the safety and privacy of women and children decided it was no longer politically expedient to do so, and they switched their votes. The law was repealed. No matter where you stand on HB2 or the new law, the reality is that strategic media bombing will be used on future moral issue the left wants to be reversed or indorsed. So moving forward, be sure to pay attention and prepare to fight back.
One may ask, what is the best way to fight back? Just tell the truth. G.K. Chesterton once said, “When deceit becomes universal, truth becomes a revolutionary act.” We need political truth revolutionaries today – ones willing to stand up and not back down when the strategic bombs start falling again. And they will fall again!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Reject Reality and Hope to Get Well is No Remedy

Without doubt, there are churches which have walked out on their God-given calling to teach the whole counsel of God. Some have fallen away because they now worship at the altar of political power (a failing of both the right and the left), others because they have become unanchored from the Christian texts (scriptures), that are central to Christianity’s set of beliefs and just want to be what is considered in cultural terms relatable and/or trendy.  But hearing pundits in media railing against the Church for not addressing animus and social injustice indicate that they have not been paying attention. 

What some of these people really want is just another political opportunity to assail the Church -- this is nothing new. They want to paint the church as roguish or at least impotent, regarding the confrontation of moral maliciousness in their culture. But they are very particular about the moral evils they want the church to address. Do these same people call for the Church to speak regularly and forthrightly about lying, extramarital sex, disobedience to parents, therapeutic or induced abortion, or blasphemy? Well, if they attended a church where God's Word was fully preached, they'd hear all that from the pulpit, as well as the charge to love your neighbor as yourself. But we don't get to selectively choose from what is available. If you appeal to Jesus to be Lord of racial reconciliation, don't be surprised if He also demands to be Lord of your sexuality, your finances, and your conversation. God is not a political consultant. He is God. 

The problem we humans face, as the late English writer, orator and lay theologian, G.K. Chesterton so rightly noted, is not a failure of the Church: "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult, and left untried." Chesterton’s point, as I see it: The Christian ideal has also been found, for any person wanting to point the finger at others while desiring to continue in their own favorite sins, slightly inconvenient. 

Monday, August 14, 2017

Mayhem is Coming

Mayhem is coming to a city or town near you, and it won’t be a response to oppression but the result of aggression – against God and our constitutional form of government. The increasingly violent acts in our streets, town-hall meetings and university campuses are simply birth pangs for a greater upheaval that’s brewing hot – and it’s not by accident.

Although the narrative is that street protests and student uprisings are simply a response to Trump as president or guest speakers with conservative values, the truth is they are coordinated attacks resulting from a subversive anti-God, anti-American ideology that has indoctrinated our secondary and post- secondary educational institutes/universities for many years. Simply put, it is an agenda driven by socialists with various courses of action whose desired result is implementation of a Marxist type government, in which they decide this, that or the other.

Allow me to explain. The full list of goals, of which I have read, can be found in the Congressional Record – Appendix, Pages A34-A35, Jan. 10, 1963. For the sake of brevity, a condensed summary follows:

Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts...soften the curriculum. Get control of the teachers' unions. Put the party line in text books. Gain control of all student newspapers. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures. eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the common man. Belittle all forms of American culture, and discourage the teaching of American history because it was only a minor part of the big picture. 

Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press...Break down cultural standards of morality. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition, that students and special-interest groups should rise-up and use “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems. 

Sound familiar? These goals aren’t simply being taught to our impressionable youth, they have ensnared the pubescent and the adolescent has fallen victim to the anti-American ideology – and now carried out. The problem is many of the cultural leaders in this movement, are now calling for – and sometimes even demanding – bloodshed. Think BLM, Antifa, even elected progressive far left government representatives. Unless one has been in a coma for a few years they have heard the clarion call for conservative bloodshed from progressive “voices of reason.” Is this not serious rhetoric or threats coming out of the mouths of those on the left - calls for, violence, carnage…blood! More alarming; calls for bloodshed is on the rise.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Time to Play the Trump Card

So, what are Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Harris, Warren and other left-wing Democrats doing to resurrect their party? They’re bringing back Barack Obama. According to media reports, Obama will start campaigning for Democrats in the fall. The left is so blinded by their hatred for Trump and the good that he represents that all they can do is reach to the past. The fact that Trump is impervious to their lies and grows stronger under stress is infuriating them even more. Is this not the perfect opportunity for conservatives to advance their agenda, and help President Trump “Make America Great Again”?  

We already know the Russia story has been an attempt by the left to create a cloud of suspicion around Trump to take him down. We know Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stacking his investigative team with Democrats. We also know that Mueller and FBI leaker, Comey are friends. It’s past time Sen. McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan to put an end to this masquerade. We now know Barack Obama knew the Russians were attempting to meddle with the election, and he did nothing to stop it. Do you think it’s time for an investigation into what Obama knew and when he knew it? While doing that, why not investigate Loretta Lynch’s involvement in the cover-up of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Novel idea! 

What can we as conservatives do to force our GOP representatives, to support Trump? Answer; Support him by forcing our elected representatives to support his promises on jobs, tax cuts, homeland security, enhanced military, Illegal immigration, healthcare (scratch that one)…essentially “America First.” 

As Trump standard bearers, we must continue to encourage support for his continued direct interaction with the public. Has not Trump, already displayed his mastery in the art of bypassing MSM to get his message directly to the American citizen? Trump also likes being with the people. Since his rallies are exceptionally large and he always makes news, the media must cover him. I further suggest the GOP should learn from President Trump and take their message directly to the people. They need to leverage social media and give more access to real news voices on radio, TV and other media outlets. 

As Trump supporters, we should speak out against those who espouse hatred and vehemence and be accessible to the American people. Barack Obama divided this nation like no other president in recent history. Now that Democrats are floundering, they’re bringing Obama back to seed the fields with division once again. Conservatives can blunt this by working with all minorities. They need to hold town-hall meetings and forums in cities across America. Engage the citizenry in frank dialogue about jobs, reclaiming lives, school choice and making cities safe again. Seeing and meeting Republicans in person will have an impact. It helped Trump get more black votes than any other Republican in recent history. 

By all appearances the left is suffering from a strain of politico-amoebic dysentery and exposed. It is utterly bewildered by Trump. Conservatives should begin playing their Trump card in order to triumph over the left. If they endorse these notions summarily with audaciousness, they and we, the people will prevail.