Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Liberals and Political Correctness

Why do the Democrats take political correctitude to extremes? Do you, as I, loathe the idea that some schmuck can tell a joke on social media and have his/her life ruined for it by the liberal thought police. Is it not appalling to see that the liberal left has embraced fascism to such an extent that they can’t put up with a differing idea on their college campus? It’s like the whole of America is in a liaison with someone/group who has an emotionally unstable personality disorder. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry is sauntering on eggshells because some buttercup or snowflake might get upset at, well…. simply anything. Have you ever asked yourself, whatever happened to the idea that if some everyday thing causes someone to recall a previous traumatic memory, they have the problem and it’s something they need to work on? Oh, yeah, lest I forget, liberals materialized.

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