Friday, January 12, 2018

Political Inspired Terrorism

Why does the left repeatedly speak pompously about the non-existent threat of right wing fascism in America? Do you suppose, as I, that it is little more than an effort to camouflage a growing and very real terror threat within its ranks? Is it not the left that is encouraging riotous behavior throughout the country as the answer to political dispute or dissent? The current sharp increase of high profile violent behavior, including the attacks in Las Vegas, NYC and Summerland, Texas in recent months can be associated with, in part to offensive, disrespectful, and hate that is exhibited daily via social media. Do you not think this a contributing strand in emboldening domestic terror?
Terrorists do not always just come from Chechnya. They don’t just come from Iran. They don’t just come from Hezbollah. Sometimes, terrorists come straight from the progressive party, straight from the American left. The left would have us believe that our greatest domestic threat is from the political right. Mentioned terrorist events say otherwise. This being the case, is it not leftist terror that is becoming a growing problem in America? It is more apparent that the left is emboldening their adherents to be repulsive, malicious, rude and deceitful. Based on recent occurrences are there questions about the left encouraging this kind of activity?
It is apparent the anti-Trump, anti-police and anti-nationalist protests which have become a fact of American life have much of the Mainstream Media and political establishments elites blessing. Have you not heard liberal talking heads applaud those involved in riotous behavior, if that behavior is in response to Trump?
I ask you the reader, is it a correct assumption that leftist ideology is increasingly to blame for aggressive flare-ups and sporadic acts of violence in American universities, towns and cities? Even the most casual observer is certainly aware that the resistance movement, with its efforts to get rid of Trump by any means necessary, has created fertile soil for Anti-Fascist Action networks, left wing, self-described anarchists, extra-parliamentary political movements who describe themselves as Anti-fascist. These and other such groups have been able to establish themselves in the United States. It is likely, in the years ahead, the scale and frequency of left wing violence will increase. Why? Because just as “Hillary Clinton couldn’t lose, the American left can do no wrong.”

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