Tuesday, August 11, 2020

To Remain Silent is Guilt by Complicity

If you are like me, there are reasons enough to cast doubts on the explanations behind the nationwide anarchy and turmoil prompted by the police killing of George Floyd in particular and others of color in general. This may be a lot of things, this moment we are living through, … But it is definitely not about black lives, and remember that when they come for you... And at this rate, they will. As might be expected, the truth hurts. Why? MSM's self-serving crème de la crèmeentertainment's nonpareil, academia's Marxist indoctrinators, BLM reprobates, progressive elites and finally, SJW’s who strive to validate their own ego by seeking attention, in their usual fashion (by any means necessary). It is the before mentioned who intentionally misrepresent those of differing opinions and intent and use it to fan the flames of anarchy within America’s streets and to further divide this once great nation. They do this out of animus, abhorrence of law and order, and political power. Mainstream Media's  editorials/commentaries are evidence enough of the distain they have towards President Trump, the Constitution, Conservatives, the church, and America's historicity as we know it. They and their ilk are willing to destroy America for no other reason than self-aggrandizement and power over the masses.

I must agree, as do many others, no matter what progressive modes of media, SJW’s, BLM, Marxists, Democrats, revolutionary militants, and social deviants assert, no matter what they tell you, black lives matter is but a guise, smokescreen, pretense, masquerade... The only way to reason with Antifa, BLM and other extremists who foster violent anarchy in hopes of a coup d'état or putsch is for federal, state and local government authorities to implement strict and swift stern measures on those involved in unlawful riotous behavior and yes, treasonous abnegation of well-defined and established laws by those officials elected/appointed to such offices requiring adherence and enforcement of established laws. The longer we, the people remain distant (silent), the deeper, wider, and darker the chasm becomes making it all the more difficult to bridge.

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