Saturday, August 29, 2020

Socialism’s Democrat's Primary Goal is to "Dethrone God, and Destroy Capitalism"

Here’s the Reality: Democratic National Convention moderators omitted hallowed and sacred words from the Pledge of Allegiance during panel discussions: “under God.” Does this not imply that today’s Democratic Party’s is increasing its disdain for traditional religious teaching on marriage, the family, and church, to name but a few? As the post-convention progresses, we should not be surprised when Democratic Party and committee leaders take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance. They are usually trying to take Him out of everything else. Karl Marx claimed religion was the "opiate of the people" and that the future worldwide communism must take the place of religion. Does not history testify to the fact that Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot... Mao persecuted Christians?  Did not Marx claim Socialism’s primary goal was to "dethrone God, and destroy capitalism," as they go together? Did not Marx also attack the biblical “nuclear family” as a hinderance to socialism?  And so, it is not a coincidence that many of today’s new Democrat socialists’ trailblazers’ goal is to disrupt the nuclear family. I fear under today’s ever evolving Democrat party leadership the Church will become the Left’s next target of opportunity. I feel it is incumbent that we as constitutionalists, conservatives, patriots, and Christians to call evil for what it is. To remain silent in the face of impending tyranny is to condone it. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless.


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