Wednesday, August 19, 2020

America's Choice Freedom or Despotism

America is in trouble. Big trouble! What else can we presume when we nightly witness self-proclaimed Antifa anarchists, BLM social deviants and Marxists insurgents looting our places of commerce, banking, and propagating violence. Does not what we see on select MSM outlets amount to open rebellion? What bothers me is the fact that while neighborhoods burn, city officials do next to nothing. 

What else can we conclude when the dominant media, self-proclaimed entertainment elites and left leaning politicians fall over themselves making excuses for societal malefactors/criminals in the name of redistribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges. Like Antifa, BLM and Marxists, too many local, state, and federal officials excuse the deviant behavior under the guise of social justice. 

What else can one conclude when large corporations, a major political party, Soros funded networks and professional sports leagues rush to pledge hundreds of millions to buy themselves protection from subversive organizations like BLM or be victimized by cancel culture piranhas.

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